same issue here, first we cant log on and now that some of us can our cash isnt there...great, gj pweb:shutup
Wasnt aware of the issue until I tried to log and recieved a 'server network error'. Tried a dozen times and still cant log. b:sad
- not playing the game atm due to the mrs giving birth to twins b:victory AND now ive seen this thread while checking up on the game i enjoy i will not be coming back!! The Mrs was never to happy with the fact i charged zen but with been financially stable it was never a real problem BUT theres no way im paying an…
Just a few names that ive used in the past: SnotBubbles ChuckNourish ****_Burgler b:laughb:bye
Who cares?? Is seeing ones name at the top of a list realy so fulfilling? If so follow these simple steps and revel in your glory until the end of time. 1. Copy and paste below list 2. Add your name to the top 3. Print.. 4. Pin on wall for all to see PWI PvP rankings list 1. <----inset yur name here 2. Snotbubbles 3.…
I said to myself 6 months ago i would never roll a sin, however, as you can plainly see i gave into temptaion. This was partly due to the fact my archer was 'no longer needed' in the end game instances...nirvy and the higher end tt's. I was already at an advantage gear wise with having made most of it for my archer so with…
There have been many occasions that ive known id eneded up in a fail sqd due to someone saying/doing something stupid but the one that sticks in my mind happened only last week. I joined a bh 69 sqd to get a contract done and the lvl 88 venos said, and i quote, 'hey wounded please giive me bloodpaint' ..... after asking…