WidowDee - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I beg to differ with you on this. Those runners have a random stun that will knock down BB if you just happen to miss 1 of them. Then you would be yelling at the cleric because she dropped BB and was using squad heal to build enough spark to reset it - once it comes out of cool down. Anyway, what's the rush? and how many…
  • So i've been playing pwi since December after it went live. We used to have the report bugs issue a lot then it seemed to get fixed. However, since the last update, several people, including myself, have crashed to desktop and gotten this popup - which btw, never seemed to do any good. What was added back in the update to…
  • Not sure if this is the right place to put this post, but here goes. First I did attempt to submit a ticket on this but the website for that doesn't work. I can't choose any of the required elements to submit (program, server, character, etc.) The issue is that I got a Treasure Chest 3. When I located it, the chest was in…
  • not so on HT server. we have a gangland attitude going on there. so what fun is that for the ones trying to do their quests if they die and go to orchid temple, lose exp, have to come back only to be killed again by some self important twit who can 1 shot someone 60-70 levels lower than they are? I guess they are all 12…
  • Shouldn't players who want to pk be on a pk server? Heaven's Tear is a pve server. This has made it a very IMperfect world for those of us who chose pve server because WE DON'T WANT TO PK!!! Now many of the low levels are dying needlessly because the tough lvl 100+ players can show just how important they are by 1 hitting…
  • I have to agree with you. I am on Heaven's Tear because it is a PVE server. I don't PK and I don't appreciate having someone do that to me just because they can. Too many sit in the cube just waiting for someone to come in. This gets costly and time consuming. If they want PK, they should go to a PVP server. Please, stop…
  • Absolutely not. They can only use normal attack and lose the benefit of their attack skills. If you want fists or claws, make a blademaster.b:angry
  • It isn't the computer or the system used. It is tied to the account. I have sent a ticket with screen shots from 2 accounts tried on the same computer. One account gets the blessing, the other doesn't. However, it does show on facebook that they both got a blessing. And I continue to deny the solution until it is fixed.
  • I can't get any blessing. The site either says my form session has expired or wants me to like pwi facebook. Doesn't give me a choice, but posts on my facebook that I just got a blessing. b:angry will this ever be fixed?
  • i just get a message that the sites are unavailable and to check the game forums. hope this is fixed soon.
  • Apparently, all of us who belong to InExilE are considered to be in gypsy faction on core connect. This is something that one of our Marshals has reported a number of times but has not been changed from the beginning. I am the director of InExilE faction and I am very proud of the members. We all proudly wear the name of…
  • One problem that might seem minor to others is a big deal to me and my faction members. We are listed as being members of gypsy faction. We are very proud of our faction - InExilE - and feel that this should be an easy fix and would mean a lot to us to get it done as quickly as possible. Thank you, WidowDee Director InExilE
  • Okay, that is all good information, but where is the response to the challenge i issued to the GMs? Would love to be in a squad with them on this boss. Of course it still wouldn't be fair if they have on their uber gear.
  • HT is still down while all others are up. Can we get an estimated time when the server will be back up?
  • Level 101 barb, 100 cleric, 99 blademaster, 99 venomancer, 98 cleric, 98 wizard That was our squad on this boss. The clerics spent a lot of time resing. This boss has become impossible. He debuffs, reduced max HP, freezes, turns and bites. When he 1 hits a lvl 101 barb, how can you fight him? I don't mind making the bosses…
  • My name is from real life. I am widowed (almost 2 years now) and my name is Dee. My alt has the name Katerina_ which is the Greek version of my rea first name, Kathryn. So some of us really do have a reason for the name.