Vulphie - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Yeah my comp messed up a bit and posted 3 threads even though I only submitted 1...gotta love technology right? x.x
  • So I'm messing around in the boutique this morning, and I click the Packs tab only to find Coral and Tiger packs there. I don't recall an announcement of a continued sale of these items (if I recall correctly they should've been gone by now). So I'm just wondering if they've finally made packs a permanent addition to the…
  • So I'm messing around in the boutique this morning, and I click the Packs tab only to find Coral and Tiger packs there. I don't recall an announcement of a continued sale of these items (if I recall correctly they should've been gone by now). So I'm just wondering if they've finally made packs a permanent addition to the…
  • The changes to TW are completely ridiculous! First of all, making secret nonrefundable bids is one of the dumbest things I've heard of. Sure it makes a great coin sink, but the idea of it is very unfair. Basically you better hope no1 else bids more than you on that land. The minimun TW bid is 500k but I think many factions…
  • Even though horns are removed from boutique, my chat box is still being filled with horn chats. Why? Because people who want to continue to annoy others stocked up on the horns before maintenance. So much for peace and quiet. Could we at least get horns disabled while you fix 'em? b:surrender
  • Things that make me go "hmm..." 1) A mold called The Penetrator. Not to mention that this mold is a bow. Ouch. 2) While I was pulling DoDs from Mantavip, the barb in the squad swam straight into Manta, then flamed at the cleric for not healing him (he wasn't going to tank anyway as we had already said that a wizard would…
  • Totally saw this coming. I always get nervous around update time if the anni packs aren't in CS at the time. Gratz to PWI for renaming 'em though. Can I make a suggestion though? I don't think Lucky Coral Boxes trully capture what these items are. Why not name 'em Jack-in-the-Boxes or something? They always seem to pop-up…
  • I think the game is even more fun with a herc, for the simple reason you can do more with one. I have a lvl 75 herc at present ^^. I used to solo TT 2-1 (at lvl 74) with a golem and it was pretty tough. I'm not ashamed to say that Wurlord kicked my butt on at least 5 occasions b:surrender But with herc I'm not worried bout…