thats pvp servers for you. i love pvp and ive tried multiple times to get a character going on a pvp server but its always the same bs. im out doing my thing be it pking or pvm'ing and some lv 90+ comes along and 1 shots me because that takes so much skill. i tried pking a guy once, and what happened? an idiot lv 70…
a profit can be made on just about anything. the items ive had success with recently margin wise are oht mats. if you check the auction house every couple hours you can pick up just about anything for a fraction of what you can sell it for. desert statue thing: buy it for 1k fairly frequently and resell for 5k leaf of…
my character is a mega babe so it would go like this hello parents cya later and then go to a hotel or something.. dam shes a babe
im sure this does happen because obviously there are bad clerics, but i guarantee atleast half of that is also bad barbs. up in the 90s i dont see it much but there were many times when people have no clue how to control aggros or anything and i just let them die.. they blame me etc i tell them their mistakes take it or…
when melee fighters complain for magic attack buff to meleers everywhere: you might do magic damage sometimes, but its based off your physical attack not your magic attack people who take aggro from the tank and say "they cant help it" or "its not my fault"
lol that sounds like a monkey of a blademaster... im a lv 91 cleric and i could take on 2 of those bosses at the same time easily. especially glutt and drake... those bosses are childs play
polearm is definitely a piece of work his physical aoe can and will 1 hit most robe users. ive been hit for 4.5k by it and luckily barb buffed i was probably just over 4.5 during my range there. keep plume shell active at all times during polearm, and try and stay out of range during the cooldowns any cleric who says they…