BM is too advanced for a beginner. You should go play assassin instead. Just put everything in dex and have enough strength for your armor and weapon. b:sin
My name wasn't taken either. b:nosebleed
b:dirtybut poles are sexier than axe.
Depends if you mostly pvp or pve. If pvp, definitely stay on demon. For pve, the sage 5.0 build is much better for tanking but cost way too much for me. b:shocked + all the money from learning demon skills will be lost. If money is not an issue, the sage build is much better in tanking.
b:cry Barbs cant use a pole b:cry
- is the most valuable part of the body, symbolizing the importance of my role in the squad.
In that case, channeling is better than crit. b:chuckle
ewww. grow some *insert my name*s
Barbs should wear a huge spiked helmet with two horns. Hats are for sissies.
For those who complain about lack of end-game contents, rank 8 recast farming will keep you busy for a while. b:nosebleed
Where did all these rumors come from? Websites, Chinese forums, dreams? If this is not a wish list, then don't post without evidence because we don't want to get our hopes up and be disappointed afterward. b:cry Raise your hand if you want a 1 spark sutra
I simply love 5aps farmers for their altruistic deeds. They spend a lot of money to get 5aps not for themselves but for the greater good of the public. They increase the supply of rare TT drops in the market and thereby lowering the prices for the rest of us arcanes. b:kiss
b:angry I better see some changes to wiz in the upcoming update or I'll be really pissed. b:angry Make sutra 1 spark please