sooo... 2012 is looking hottt ya'll need to hurry up and get here you are missing out b:chuckle
Just a plane ticket away.. :P New years is in 4 1/2 hours for me. :) i'll let ya all know how cool 2012 is b:cute
So what did santa bring you all this year for christmas :) I got really expensive good headphones that are green xD and my mum is getting something at new years or around there *ponders what it could be*
Oi!! *slaps ducky in the face*
Hands off Anne, she is 100% taken Rawr!! mean wife can get very mean :P
Early Merry Christmas/happy holidays all!! If you missed it... well bad luck *giggles* b:cute
Welcome to your necro thread and me, how may we be as of service... LOL i vaguely remember this, please dont delete this it made us lol xD
you make it so hard to answer :P ahhh i love too many types of food lol i tend to just eat everything..... at least you don't have to worry about me not liking any food :P
My fav are afghan biscuits with the walnut on top, dont know if you have them over there but they are amazing *sends some to Anne*
Made me lol and remember the pic of alpha afking in catshop with oracle mob back in the day b:chuckle
=P i think its plainly obvious what i want for Christmas *innocient look* b:cute
*pokes thread* b:cute
Bad Kritty!! no kritty cat snacks for you!!
I think you might have "ks'd" one of there mq bosses LoR :( booohoooo
I gave Anne her bday present, now im all embarrassed ... ask her why she might say *embarrassed and shy right now* and no its not bad get your heads away from the gutter :P
happy bday Anne dearest b:heartb:heartb:heart have the most wonderful day ever.
I feel olddd LOL nothing like those zhen partay's *sets up barrage and goes afk* b:chuckle life was easy for archers :P
Enrage officers are super pro stalkers that make lists about everything...
Its Sunday for me.. But im on holiday atm so everyday is a holiday =D Question of the Day, if you could go back to one point in HT TW history what part would it be? Mine would be back When Ceasar and Tao were coming through as TW guilds, that is real tw.. Not this "TW Optional" stuff we have now days
hoe, go troll ely already :P
where all the chit chat go too :( *pokes regular forum posters*
watch out i'll twist the world upside down and turn the women you love into sharp rocks!!.. lol dont ask me where i came up with this im in a spaztastic mood :P
She is exactly the same from when knew her over a year and half ago.. She is just alot less restricted :P
ikr? such a shook, the great yellow text man who shall not be named thought i was 14 :(
yes... :P @Lunar, hey im only 21 and i know :P it isnt from our time but you should look it up.. lol ok maybe not its strange.. too strange.. lol
Do the timewarp!!! .... if you dont know what thats from then... you should know :P
We just got my hubby aka anne's wizze to 89 and just done his demon culti :) weeeee pro pimp wizzie is pro *giggles and hides in heaven with wifey hubby*
*facerolls keyboard* I killed them both, can i haz cookie now?
*kicks the dust on the ground and walks around with my hands behind my back looking innocient* Oh!! what i wonderful idea!! Enrage must of not thought of this already months ago *whistles again*
We can double team on the noobs <3 and blame it all on clunker b:chuckle