This week's question: If you could create your own Fashion Weapon, what what you be fighting with? Thanks! - The PWI Team[/QUOTE] Drpprbluedrgn I would love to have as a fashion weapon those chained sickels they could be chained by a diamond studded chain and the sickels edges would be serrated and coated with diamond dust…
Wow! A photo finnish!
i now understand why my second fb19 had no drops! i have a veno that did it and a barbarian. both times was eh? interesting to watch??? so to speak. with my veno the group that formed announced that i and the other low level that was in the group would get the drops that were ment for our characters and they were true to…
FrankieRaye - this is the newest shield wall spell ??? Akasha - this is kinda nice though it might be easier to fight if it were less solid! maartnewborn - well at least we wont get hurt! Tikana - speak for yourself! this boss is beat'n me down like butter in a toaster!
#1 "YE HA! we made it ! first in line for the new PWI areas! #2 hey! i thought the transporter said brickyard!?? #3 " oh nice! your **** of the kick back is a little off! " #4 the testing of the archers kickback the first time was just ... ... a little negative! DUDE! the mob is supposed to get kicked back not us!…
awesome ! i just came from your other forum and i am so glad you are doing this ! even with all my characters i can only scrounge 200K after selling most of their armors and extra stuff! LOL. love the site too! drpepperdragon here and there! (main character= PurrDianna - Heavens tear ) thanks and hope to see you ingame…