f:sweat This comment alone should be ignored, and if troll, should be burned with fire. Demon Sunder doesn't up barbs crit to "100%". It allows of instant Crit for 5 secs. On that Note. After you Sunder got about 4 secs to get out of Kitty form and hit another skill. Most of the time. Its only gonna be 1 skill. And what I…
Title: Logic = Against ToS Why: Because I've been playing PWI for about 2-2 1/2 years now and as content changes and gets better, I feel that the Community is very... Mmmm Just not alot of people use logic when asking questions or even general talking. Which leads me to say on a constant bases (On Archo atleast) that Logic…
Why a M6? M3s are tots better. Faster, more room for modifications and actually better in terms of maintenance, efficiency and over all quality. The higher you go on numbers for BMWs the leSt you get for your money. I actually don't care for BMWS for that matter and many more. But I digress, and agree with your statement…
While i dont have an answer at all. I've had a similar problem. I tried making my venos vit 3 and for the life of me. It just wouldn't reset. Idk if they changed something or what.
Heres a Typical Day in Arch. >.> The only thing to complete this "day" is stead of saying "Sorry" i should have said "Sure :D" f:sweat Then i can start the "I got scammed out of my Warsoul Pataka! f:fumef:cry" stuff. Sidenote: Hes a barb... why would he have 280+ magic? .-. are there really…
Did the Test your Power Dummy 3 times with new Demon Sunder Primal Version. Hit 100k-110k with a bleeding of a constant 23k. Hit it on mobs in Primal (Shadow Assassins). Did about 30-40k (1shots) to mobs and about another 3k Bleed. Did a test on an Aps BM with about +3 refines. While I don't have her full Stats Sunder hit…
Sorry to reopen this post but its an add on to the same instances. When killing the Wind Dragon.. Wind Dragon Lihuo: The Power of Dragon******* Will never Disappear******" I'll post my SS in here during tonight's Maint.
This is the post that you've said 2+ times that bothers me the most. While agreeing/disagreeing with 1 or more things about the Main Topic of this thread (LA/Dex Attribute to Crit rate % and further more, the unbalance of this games PvP mechanics). Stating to someone to "Get to end game..." you are asking me or someone…
Having the bosses drop something that either otherwise hard to find/farm or unfarmable at all would be a nice change of pace. No, not asking for Mogs, GST, War Avatars (Clearly pwi only wants to give free C cards anyways b:surrender) or something like that. Asking for Badges and/or molds feels like we are either killing…
"Increases your chance to resist negative status effects by 66% for 60 seconds." Sage :D Come again? Don't pick out one cultivation path, just because you are that path, and run with it as if the rest of pwi is too. Its not 50% its 50-66% and idk how it is on your server but on arch. Demon sins are going Sage very fast.…
:D TY OMG FINALLY +13029840859 Orbs for you! Finally someone else that knows the % Rates. Matter of Personal Opinion on a class that has no Gap Closers other than ones own speed (Stun/Freeze and Seal just so they dont do anything if they get to you). :D Come again Mr. Ima jump to and From safety at will? "Btw I mained a…
I love this quote tho. It kinda sums up the defense for the Barb skill: " (barbs fine since they had not much cc before and the stun is not 100%)" - Mooooooooo - Lost City You can go through the list of skills that barbs have an pick out each one :D Demon and Sage. Only skill that HAD a 100% chance to make you stand still…
1: So I run on a HP Pavilion G4 NoteBook PC with an Intel Processor that has 2.00 GHz with 4 GB of ram on a 64 Bit Operating System. Graphics card is that HD graphics Card Family Pack ****. My Lappy Runs Skype, 1-2 Clients and 2-3 Webpages and both Clients have about 20-40 FPS with a Ping of 100-300 (Given the Area). I…
- :3 Take a look. Its pretty Nab Full Demon reborn twice with 8% Skill amp. Both Celest skills with a skill set up of Onslaught into Mighty Swing, into Stomp then Purge then Back to Onslaught Mighty Swing Stomp repeatedly until Purge is off of CD. If the gear were switched, if the gear were…
Rebirthing is nice. Its actually allows one to make an off build (None meta) build of a character perfectly without having some weird rings/belt/neck. I.E. HA veno with more magic now. At the same time, it gives a new meaning to Pure Builds. Yes a Pure build is what most favor (from what i can tell) but with the extra att.…
maybe you are right about the barb not being full Endgame. I did see the weapon being rrr9. idk if its +12 or +1 or sharding. It had zerk. He was sage. He seems to have the skill. And i can't say that that barb wasn't trying his hardest. I saw EP go off. I saw other skills being used to keep that archer in place. You can't…
Yes yes. When talking skill only (No apoth or anything like that) this skill should be nerfed in some manner so that a barb can back to having limited CC and just being a meat bag for other players to hit b:surrender
Im sorry what? I knock you down, you mad now? You mad bro.. you mad bro? Pfft, i've knocked down, Purged, Amped and crited Siao everytime I see her in NW and guess what. She stands up, dust off and bites my tail off and then dangles it in my face to be a good kitty and play with a ball of string. Are you honestly saying…
So you mean to tell me that because a evenly geared match between a Barb and an Archer. Bother R9 3rd cast and probably (Seeing as he is 105, but just a assumption) Endgame sharding. Being that the Archer is Demon (More DD, more Crits, less CD and more Evasion) and the Barb is sage (More HP + Phy. Def in Kitty form) that…
Idk i dont see it more as ripping off. I mean, hell, i got the quote from there. Im pulling out a single quote from that topic that stuck out to me and seemed interesting.
I see this topic as pointless. I'm much rather talk about how you need to be in pj mode in order to kill mobs on a pve server to get Exp and finish the quest which in turns grants rewards based on how greedy you are, not allowing anyone else to complete that quest. Many of you would say, just don't aoe. But I want Eco too.…
That's the whole quote so ill make sure not to take anything out of context. Are you saying that the "requirement" for barbs in a squad should be taken out because you feel that they are useless? Idk how it is on Harshlands but on arch. There uselessness is sure needed in 90% of squads. I'm not r9+. I'm g16+ 5 with warsoul…
in AEU the other day, i was on my cleric and we didnt' have a barb. I told them "I can log my barb because we might need him." Not gonna name, but a BM said "Barbs are useless... Only good for buffs." I wont be running a squad with him on any instance anymore to say the lease. As for the topic of this thread. No. In…
Sweetiebot, Kill Peachblossom Ritualist 50 times, please. Sweetiebot, Reforge Radiant Eye Sword: Eon 50 times, please.
Make the Code for the free S cards glitchable or no deal. I want multi S cards for moria servers rollback. >.>
Archo at 57%
Should totally update this with Male and Female variations of each class
Met for Vice Pres of PWI: He wont let your QQs go unheard!!
Snowy_Rai for GM 2K14; He DOESN'T let the main map crash.