It was fun indeed, I had a blast.. I'm just kinda sad the thread died once the prizes went out, but alas, such is the nature of things :-)
Although not everyone followed instructions (not going to mention names!) all prizes have now been paid out. 75 million shiny gold coins are being spent throughtout the realm. Think of this as my little "stimulus package", but please don;t comapre me to Obama, in this instance, people who actually deserved the money got…
If anyone wants to stay in touch outside of the boards, my email is
I'm in! Let me get my purse! *huggles*
Whatcha gonna buy? Shall we go shoe shopping??
PRIZE UPDATE FIRST PRIZE – 20 MILLION GOLD – Vixe - paid through mail SECOND PRIZE – 15 MILLION GOLD – Jokerxdude – paid through mail THIRD PRIZE – 12.5 MILLION GOLD – Konariraiden – paid through mail FOURTH PRIZE – 10 MILLION GOLD – Jiayin – paid through mail FIFTH PRIZE – 7.5 MILLION GOLD – HekateDevine – paid through…
I'm glad you liked my short bit of prose :-) Logging in to see who I can give gold to!
If I were playing favorites you would have won darling! I recehcked the ballots, despire living in Florida I know how to vote and there were no hanging chads!
Thank you all SO very much for your entries and efforts. I have labored long in judging and had seriously overlooked how dreadful a task that really is. The contest was much more fun than having to rank one over another. In the end I had to make choices and it was not easy and I have gone back and forth in rankings and…
A lone eagle’s cry tore through the night air in perfect time with the first tear to fall from Shota’s eyes. Occasional flashes of lightning from the coming storm illuminated the slender figure that stood not close to tall but yet erect and proud upon the mountain peak. Undisturbed scrubby brush bespoke the long time past…
I searched, though in vain For that missing syllable But it escaped me! *winks* you win a haiku in return!
I apologize for those who wanted to submit and missed the deadline. It's true that there was no announcement of the end but I felt secure that in my absence the posted rules would apply since there was no announcement of a change. I apologize for any confusion but am thrilled that there was so much interest. I do hopethat…
Don't feel like a jackass, you said nothing offensive at all. The only sad part is that I can't make this a yearly event! I did find a new world to play in, I can only hope the journey there will be half what the one here was!
Shota took many many literature courses in college.. the original was much better *winks*
Sorry everyone, had a family emergency mid-week and just got back. I will have the judging done this week and will send out PMs to the winners by week's end. Prizes will be handed out in person (in game obviously!) or by game mail to those unavailable, that will happen next weekend. Judging will not be easy and I apologize…
awesome entries so far, read them and add your own!
There's no real "secret". I was a squirrel. I bought nothing, sold everything. I spent hours and hours harvesting, farming, etc. Just a ittle insight. I was there the day the game went live, not just the day, the moment. While everyone was in a hurry to be level 20 by the end of day one, I was happily listening to music…
Quality > Quantity, but both doesn't hurt :-) PS that was not a judgement of either entry, just a general comment
I agree 100%, try! I'm not grading on perfect grammar!
oooh absolutely, by all means link away!
I'm sorry, as per the rules all submissions must be posted to the forum to be eligible. Feel free to use multiple posts for your chapters. I apologize if this seems inflexible, but I have received multiple PMs asking for various chnages to the rules and it's just easier if they are all the same for everyone. Good luck!
Please make your best effort to post it here. I'm trying to keep the contest on the forums and everyone on even ground. If you cut and paste the posts should come out in order. Good luck and I'm sure I speak for a lot of people in saying we look forward to your work!
You are very welcome and I'm sure I will pop in, or at least on the forums to say hello!
appealing to my vanity is always worthy of bonus points!
Anyone who has posted an enrty that does not deal with PWI and is thus ineligible may post a second :-)
I'll give my students 10 points of extra credit if they put it on their papers!
Darlin' your issuez are well documented, but I adore you anyway!
It's 75 million gold coins, the contest rules spell this out. Anyone who is confused has issues :-)
Actually if you tip the pizza delivery guy well, they will bring it inside, pour you a coke, and bring your pizza and drink right to you at the computer. Just some advice, don't tip until AFTER they bring you the napkins.