wow thats such a good idea
yes sad i know, they are going to pick 2 more to replace the bad ones with just have to wait for it. So lets hope that those 2 are good ones.
Can we have all checked for stolen works?
Here is A Here is D Come on now can we get this all checked before we have to vote? Lord only knows if they are stolen also.
oh they took off your link i wonder why?
WOW we have 2 on men one stolen and 2 on women so out of 10 they picked only 6 are true works and 4 stolen ones great job PWI. Show us how much you care. They need to start over and replace stolen works. But i dough they will didn't really care when they picked them so don't think it will happen.
WOW we have 2 on men one stolen and 2 on women so out of 10 they picked only 6 are true works and 4 stolen ones great job PWI. Show us how much you care. They need to start over and replace stolen works. But i dough they will didn't really care when they picked them so don't think it will happen.
This is my cleric Close up This me veno Close up
well me and my BF played wizard archer, it worked very good for us. 1-20 is few hrs then you can be with each other. We are now 92 same lv and same % whole time.b:cute We killed anything before it even got close to us
I know what you mean my friends tried then on so can see what they looked like, when someone buy it they would let us try it on.
I love it very much. I think the new wigs in CS make the hair look better more red or something.b:thanksb:thanks
I tried to edit to make it just link but it no longer has edit. b:surrender
Can you make me on pleaseb:beg I want it to say Shelle & Rensaku and have guild name Ruthless I removed photo so wouldnt be so big
There is a TB fish its lv 12 i think, i have it on my lv 25 veno.
how easy is this quest its not like you have to go out of your way for it. Get it when you get bh when you have done all 3 bhs for the day your done with this quest. b:laugh
Oh wow its perfect i love it.
Hi i'm Shelle (this is my name and my wizards name) b:bye
Shelle 89 Wizard Can you draw me as amine please, face or your whole body is fine you pick. Up close of face
Can you use this? Or dose it need to be smaller?
Lost City one guild won whole map. They then all left guild and gave map back. Now they are 2 guilds and have already taken a lot of that land back. They are the lite pink and orange guilds on your ss.
Red and Llama gratz on your wedding b:victory
I hope it works out for you and your account is unbanned.b:cute
I like events Red dose on WC they are fun and everyone can do them. She has said she will post a vid for all to see after. What is big deal. Maybe she will be sweet and do new Disney pop quiz also. b:beg
Here is mine
Link to Tiger and others from PWI
maybe they will let us know on V-day
Here is mine
Where is the new riddle? or did i miss it
lol my baby made this from our ss with fire.