Seraphe - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • My guess would be the stronger effect would take over if they only reduce MAX HP. The fact they only reduce the MAX is the main key. If an ability such as Sharptooth reduced someone's HP from say 1000 to 900 their max HP is still 1000. If the genie ability is stronger and can reduce the HP from 1000 to 800 then it'll only…
  • Ah ok ^^ I guess it seems I was looking at the wrong Rebirth. Thank you all for the replies. b:cute
  • I believe this is what you are looking for.
  • Of course I would be angry but you can't really blame anyone else for the error though. =/ As I mentioned I am sorry to hear that you wasted your money but the best thing you can do right now is simply learn from your mistake and try not to repeat them in the future.
  • Well I just read the description of the Binding Charm and it says... "Bound items cannot drop from you under any circumstances, nor can they be traded, sold, or decomposed." I am sorry that you feel that you have wasted your $30 but in the future take specific care to read what these items do before you use them as not to…
  • If you have the coin you can get a fair amount of chips using tokens. However seeing as the event is nearing it's end I have noticed Token Shops to be somewhat scarce now.
  • I can answer this one. Yes try & max out your frost arrow but not the knockback arrow. The knockback will always be present regardless of it's level to leaving it at level one will save you mp. Do not use Venomous at all it really is it worth it. You should be quite successful using Frost-Normal-Normal-Knockback-then…
  • The chips are a type of currency and yes they are used to by molds as well as gold mats and other miscellaneous items. To find the Mysterious Merchant he is located in Thousand Streams not too far off from the elder there. However, while I am not entirely positive i do believe you will require flight to access the city.
  • Yea PWDatabase is an excellent site but like others have mentioned you do need to make sure you are on the PWI version. My only gripe with this site however is the fact the prices for any item using mysterious chips has yet to be updated.
  • I didn't read through the last few pages so I may be a bit late on this but I found this with the update of these new fashions on the site. These fashions will be permanent additions to the boutique!
  • Is there any chance a GM could tell us if these are permanent additions to the Boutique?
  • Eh? I am from Dreamweaver and we only got these just now.
  • For the females it is.... Leather, Brawler, & Steampunk sets each with top, pants/skirt, gloves & boots. The Brwaler set is the Flannel & Scottish piece at Ecatombs while the Leather set is Cherylian set. The males got... Warlord & Punk Metal Sets.... Not sure what they're called on ecatombs though.
  • Open up the Boutique ingame & you should see them on the first page. :D
  • Oh really? I never been married nor do I plan on spending the money to hehe but I heard there was a 50% EXP bonus leveling with your spouse.
  • I saw a rather interesting scammer just the other day. He was selling Mystical Fragments in two stacks. On Dreamweaver they sell for 20-25k each but he had them up for 10k a piece in the first stack & 100k in the second stack. So I bought all the 10k ones & he closed down shop shortly afterward & I never saw him again...…
  • Personally I think it is silly that they don't allow it but there has been a lot of flame wars that erupted from this topic. I do not believe it will be changes however... You will loose out on the EXP bonus leveling with your partner but you can still sorta let everyone know you two are sweethearts. For example lets say…
  • Can we get a sticky for this? I think it would be a disservice to PWI & a real shame to the work put into this if it became lost on the forums.
  • One of the most widely known MMO has it set where any magical equipment will bound when equipping it. Nearly all the magical equipment from bosses & quests bound when picked up. Of course it is only one in a sea of MMOs. b:thanks
  • Excuse me how do I go about reporting harassment? I had two player constantly leeching all my experience when I was trying to grind & wouldn't leave me alone when I requested they stopped. Ended up forced from the area with my quest only half completed and rather irritated. I have screen shots but where I do go from here?…
  • I almost did the same thing before. b:shocked Luckily it was a Catshop so no harm done. b:surrender
  • Archers can tank him just fine as well. I've done it with just me & a cleric in her 30s though extra DD did come in a little later in the fight. It is a looong fight since you have a damage penalty but if you're having issues getting a squad together then this seems like a perfectly valid option. Also to note I am pure so…
  • Cause it has the highest base damage. It depends on a little luck but a crit on the high end of damage can do some pretty nasty damage.
  • Your genie is in little genie heaven... that is in a cube now... But to get another one you "could" spend 3 mirage stones at a Watcher of Earth (Almost sure this is correct) or you "could" spend around 50k for a new genie but the cheapest route is to make a new character & get a new genie. Unfortunately with this method yo…
  • Has anyone managed to check out the revised Essence Penetration yet? Essence Penetration - This skill has been completely redesigned and renamed "Second Wind." Now instantly heals you for a small amount. Requisite Affinity Wood 1/Earth 1/Water 1. Minimum level 10. Genie Strength points increase the potency of the heal by…
  • Oh I know and I wasn't suggesting their opinion was void. Just wanted to make sure the information was accurate.
  • It isn't going to matter much until just a little bit later in levels... If I would have to guess the 30s? You should often see Dexterity gear at very cheap prices even 3* items. This is due to the Bounty Hunter daily causing more of these items to drop in the game world. You could be extremely lucky & craft your Dex gear…
  • Ugh Tusk Town what a dreary place... -.- The only issues I seem to have was the Gilded Princesses but that was because multiple players were there killing them. As annoying as Tusk Town was I never found the respawn to be unacceptable as they seem to respawn fairly regularly. I do know these 3 mobs span out in a large…
  • Oh hey I remember this thread... It is a month old now... Does this count as a Necro? <.<
  • People like to just plain fail when they're anonymous. I usually assume the player just sold out or got their item... I don't see how anyone would assume you were scamming unless you advertise an item but had another with the same icon similar to the Apothecary potion and Ultimate Substances. Unfortunately I notice that…