b:laugh32 b:laugh
Granted but now you eaten to much medicine because it is delicious and you die of overdose.... I wish for a new speaker
False , i live in singapore The person below me thinks that hobos can afford internet.
^Banned for not letting me ban AlphineFrost XD
Definately Dogs b:laugh
( * ) for recommended (**) for WHOA Manga: Full metal alchemist ( ** ) Naruto ( * ) Claymore ( ** ) D.gray man ( ** ) Soul eater ( * ) angel densutsu ( ** ) katekyo hitman reborn! ( reborn! ) ( * ) Toradora Vampire knight Nabari no Ou Neon Genesis Evangelion Anime:( all subs ) Gundam seed ( ** ) Gundam seed destiny ( ** )…
Granted but now all the other animes ( much much better than naruto ) are superly HYPED b:sad I wish i have a fast internet connection
22 C'mon!!! more replys! XD b:beg
^Banned because you dislike zoe's avatar
Using a magic seal , locking their souls forever and rendering their bodies useless. Next i lauch a barrage of attacks , missle strikes , meteors , fire balls , a giant lazer from space XD to destroy the shield . Then i snipe you dead and set you on fire ... and take the chair , dig a moat , set up some seals ( anyone or…
Chickens are green oversized lightweight demons of Heaven's Tear. Darthpandas16 felt hungry for tuna salad, so he stuck an arrow in someone's nose and escaped the chickens lair of hairy ninjas. Both of the rockers spontaneously slammed their butts on to Chuck Norris's face and regretted it badly. Then the big nasty…
^ banned for having a question mark for an avatar b:angry
Granted , but now , you stole everyone's happiness and everyone is emo now... and they kill you b:cry ( dang loop hole >< b:cry ) I wish someone can sue wolfenlord XD ( and win )
20 c'mon ppl lets get this to a 1000!!! XD
Grind , grind , grind.. Torrgin warriors constantly drop element frags , i remember the lvl 30 tree monster ( forgot the name ) drops mystical claw or something ( or is that the fish monster thingy..) or you could sell hay from antelop cubs..
well .... i don't think that would be implemented XD , however in ancient china , before the qin dynasty , rich families who wants to have close contacts with the emporer will either send their daughters to the emporer as concubine or their sons as "eunuch" or "太監" , soldiers or generals. For those who were unlucky to be…
well that is ... creative lol b:laugh
lol she did a much better job ... ...No offense but why is there cheese on your head? XD b:laugh kiddin kiddin b:surrender
True b:angryb:angry <Flame right? The person below gots it going on b:dirtyb:sin
Granted , but you do not exist in the world anymore I wish to obtain unlimited zen ( and a million good lawyers to sign this wish agreement =p )
lol what server is that? hopefully not HT b:laugh
Scorthiel VI b:laugh
A monster below heavens tear.. forgot what is the name of the monster but it pretty scary ... i think there is a npc version of it in the middle of arch.
well thats totally confusing.... b:surrender
I like those ideas but sadly , more features = more space required = no space on computer = more lag !!! ( i think, cos i am a computer noob) I think china's perfectworld ( original one ) has a housing system or something like that .. i saw that in a thread somewhere in this forum. Maybe you should try searching it?
You are a cleric right? You fly without mp cost.. for archers the problem would be settled later on when 2mp/s isn't really a prob. normal wings fly much faster if you upgrade them , with lvl 30 wings i think with accelerate you could prob. fly a little faster .
Granted but now everyone in the world is making fun of you because there are no more fat people to make fun of. I wish the next person who ruined my wish will get a serious case of karma b:laugh
^Banned for misspelling "being" XD
17 woo your a mod now amiris! gratz b:laugh