When I was playing on my veno, a barb sent my a whisper asking me some questions about how I felt about playing veno. He told me "I want to make someone's day" And traded me a free Kowlin. I held onto it for 2 years, and I never saw him again.
I've stopped coming online at this point. I never bounced back from something that happened to me(in RL and in the game) a little over 4 years ago. That and the community isn't the same anymore. Like a glass box, with me, and those like me, outside of it.
I must have opened 700 packs trying to get Terra's Embrace, and never getting it. I ended up with something better, and even rarer than Terra's Embrace: Eldritch. She's also sexier, even if she is basically a dark butterfly. b:laugh
EG doesn't have one, but I'm pretty sure TB's is the Ocean Tusker.
Right because there are certainly more TB users than EG.
The problem with PV is it's once a day.
mmhmm, yeah very expensive. Highly suggested to pick a name you're completely satisfied with. But at least they allow it, after requesting this option for so many years.
Considering that the xp needed for 90 to 100 is pretty reasonable and with the current amount of dailies, it shouldn't take 4 weeks. But it depends on your free time/patience. It is after lvl101 that trying to level up becomes pointless. I don't know if that one is broken, but I've never seen anyone run it. Stat points…
That was my daily routine for 2 years, with some PV in the mix, and even PV can get boring sometimes, doing it by yourself. FCC was a time and money sink(charm killer for tanks/mages).
IIRC the client display features update faster than the server.
If no more FC means low level BHs will be "revived" I may consider playing this game seriously again, as I care more for some of my alts than this old main of mine.
I remember joining the game.. on release day, and immediately logged out because my computer was under attack by lag. I spawned into The City of the Plume, surrounded by 500 clerics and 500 archers. Came back some years later, but don't remember when.. I only remember that gold prices were 300k, and Rising Tide had already…
I donno, they could be doing what a certain other MMO developer done with their game when the first iteration flopped and resulted in the director quitting, and the rest of the team getting fired. The second iteration was complete revamp in all areas.
Blocking all of their alts is really the only way.. or logging off for awhile, as they will get the message "User is offline".
I seem to remember that being Tiger Packs instead.
It is on sale. It's 40 bucks otherwise.. I should know, I've had to use it twice.
::shrugs:: I may have done FCC 4-5 times since getting over 100. Peeling people away from FCC imo is a good step in the right direction.
I suppose it was a matter of time. Thankfully, (if I ever do play again) I can solo/duo all my BHs for my alts. I just can't solo any of the BHs for my main heh. And no you're not crazy.
See ya later man. Nothing lasts forever in this world. That wont process everything as one might expect.
Definitely. And I've been saying it since Genesis release and I'll keep saying it: Edged Blur would make for an awesome aggro tool if it generated enmity.
Cleaner design, and feels less cluttered. I like it.
B-but..we're already game-breakingly strong. ;)
@OP - they don't delete characters under normal circumstances. Updating my game right now to pay the game a 'visit'. Other than that I come here to say a few things before disappearing again.
Oh boy that's so easy to accomplish. Get some hypers, run the time down for exp time. Wait for reset. Get more hypers, repeat. STACK exhaustion time through the roof(max is 1024 hours I think). Wont gain 0.01% level until the next millennium.
I understand the position the current and past CMs are/were in. Their ideals will never match that of the people over them. It's kind of like how things are at my place of work. When things are too smooth, manager tries to come up with **** to make things hard. Furthermore their decisions are almost always…
I get the topic title. I do not get the point of the picture.
Vortex is "The Skill" for tanking as not a damn thing can rip aggro from it(unless Sins try really hard). But it's not a skill you want to use for every situation. That's just stupid. A bit late for that.
uh, actually I think ALL of PQ doesn't work anymore.
More like farming has been nerfed. In other words, this effects people who don't bot as well. If any others left that don't. Don't let me come back and be the last player still living in ancient long lost times.
A while back all instances used to be 8hrs before resetting. For some reason they have reduced them to 4.