SaDash - Sanctuary Arc User


  • yep.. pretty much thats THE only real build for a non gimped archer. Its a great PVP build and its also good gor PVE as well(unlike the pure wiz build, they get **** both ways). Any way ya 4 dex. and 1str every lvl. if you come up short on str. for ur gear it usally is no big deal to make up for it. So ya.... pure dex. FTW
  • OMG... FORGET the LA/Pure int. build....the BEST wizard of them all is the UNDERWEAR wizard... thats rite. Hers how it goes................ Step 1. get into ur underwear step 2. Level up IN ur underwear(NEVER switch back to normal u will gimp urself) step 3. When u lvl... just start randomly putting points into ANYTHING…
  • ah in other words im really using too many skills when i really dont need to?