Hello beautiful people..let's see if this works. If not will submit a ticket.
This needs a here goes...
Hear hear. Totally agree with you on this. It is amazing the amount of players who expect the mystics to be playing the role of clerics. While it can be done I am not playing a cleric for a reason. I do not know about your server but on RT clerics get bashed all day long in WC. I am not keen for those same players to start…
I have made the decision to go demon with my mystic. The reason for this is that I want DD to come first and healing second. I chose this due to my playing style as well as my role within a faction squad.
Pleased I could help you get the spanking you want b:laugh Thanks for taking the feedback constructively and not in a defensive way. That is a sign that you guys really are open to discussion and feedback and are better than a lot of other factions out there just for this alone. I wish you all the best. If I was not…
Guys, If you are recruiting do you think it is not a good idea to actually have officers online? I have 8 toons on this server and am an active player yet the other day when I actually spotted a offiicer from your faction I nearly fell off my chair it is so rare b:chuckle Just a comment. It is not just me that has noticed…
Try it now. I could also not log in and think it was due to maintenance.
What does the level of the person have to do with asking the question? I am level 82 and play on and off so did not know this either. Some comments are not necessary. Especially when you realise that not everyone is the same as you.