I'd like this. It would be nice to be able to have a baby pets out with mounts too.
Obviously people over in China wanted to know where people were. If they weren't marked online they were obviously in the void that is Limbo that has no status; so to reassure their poor confused player-base CN Devs felt the need to add "Offline" to clarify. That's all I can think of.
I play namely to try and have a little fun, it's something to do during the days that I have nothing else to do. I end up blowing away a few quests and riding around on my horse a bit though and that's usually it.
Hey just think the only thing left for China Devs to **** up now is converting the PVE servers to PVP. LOL Seriously though, reading this thread, guild bases are like the disappointment that comes with your significant other offing their load before they even get under the covers. What a shin-kicker Guild bases are. =_=…
Considering emotes don't loop and the dances are fashion based, the cash shop part kinda killed the fun of it. It will be good for the occasional laugh, but... negh.
Makes me think of the same as a player killing something over their level; but they can get it done. Someone walking up, not in their squad but a little higher level going "Hey you have trouble with these, I'll follow you around and out-damage you now kthxby :3"
Actually, I have messed with the dance button, but want to know why people don't play with the dances? Maybe it's because... oh I dunno... THEY SUCK! Hence why they are getting an upgrade. Someone asked about it or PW Devs wouldn't be bothering. As others have said, the one area where the new classes are will be shiny and…
I voted for T, not sure if I should have voted M though. Why? Because of the sexual content and the constant swearing because GM/moderator presence is non-existent. Last time I saw a GM actually take care of someone in global on LC? 2 years ago. The only time the seem to do it now is when they have their delicate little…
GM's can unbind gear but you would really have to twist an arm to get it done. They don't offer this service in PWI though so if you bind something, it's forever stuck. They could move your account to another server too, won't though. But I digress....
As far as I'm concerned this game died when they started selling gear and things beyond mounts. This game isn't about playing anymore as much as it is catching up to everyone else... The only things I've ever bought are Fashion and mounts and sort of cosmetic goodies and charms. I level extremely slow so I can enjoy what's…
Seems like we could use some straight up math in this part with someone who knows a lot about the classes and values. 10% might not be that high and cleric buffs are pretty wussy at level 100 when people have like 6k HP and 6k MP depending on class.
Correction, the Developers are bringing more to the table. But you know, more of the same **** isn't always good. Rather than improve old dishes they prefer to serve us the same stuff with different food coloring. This one happens to be rainbow colored. Giddy and catchy but still tastes like ****. I'm not holding my breath…
Well; so much for the past three years we've spent fighting wraiths. They win we lose, I'll go back to.... being a n elf... or something. And maybe attack some humans. *Rides off to Etherblade*
I was thinking about this not long ago, new animations would be nice, and revamped emots. Also a new riding animation for horseback. A lot of this game is pure eye-candy and it would be a nice attention to detail to have new and different meditations for each race; for example, Elves could meditate with their natural wings…
I love how the first 4 posts are about the spelling when over 50% of the player base doesn't even know how to spell "YOU" yet, let alone how to use their shift key, commas, apostrophes, or any other useful punctuation. All people really need to start telling players that never gets said is this: "Admins and staff don't…
The devs know what's going on, and they know how to fix it. Will they do it the easier way? By removing the packs and making gold less important? Hell no! They'll just stuff stalling lies down the throat of the player base and pretend to satiate all with at double exp/spirit/drop which won't fix anything at all, it'll just…
You have got to be kidding. Not all of PWI's player-base is a bunch of nitwit-twits. There's a difference between actually having that information to throw away and knowing how to do it, to paying for it straight up. Fact is, on every game I have been on that does this, it's always full of viruses, scams, identity theft…
First: WoW kicks this game to the ground and stomps on it's face. It may not look as nice but it's the better game. it has more content, more to do, less generic **** and a better system. Not to mention Blizzard actually gets around to fixing bugs and cash shoppers only own if it's a Private Server. Second: PWI Developers…
PWI could get by with lower prices, they just like money. That's been proven like 6 times over no one who has played this game for any amount of time denies that anymore. Fact is that MY is cheaper and PWI is overpriced even for the US citizens. You could buy 3 years worth of subscriptions to WoW for what some people pay…
PWI Devs stepped on my foot with a stiletto heel while I was in my socks with this one. DQ drops aren't meant to be sold, go make EQ and sell it, farm something else, it's not that big of a change ect. THE MATS ARE WORTH MORE THAN THE FINISHED ARMOR SINCE THE WINE NPC. **** off. 20% is a full fifth A FIFTH you see this…
The one I went with got us all killed twice. ): But I know how to fix it...
Pet Peeves of my friend and I 1. Tank Archers (Who don't know how. at all.) 2. Players who don't know their class. 3. Venos who ask clerics to purify their pet. 4. venos who ask you to heal their pet while you are battling and busy healing your own. When they don't need it. 5. other classes asking you to heal their pet.…
In response to the original post: Jeeze, if anyone ever said that to me I'd probably tell them they had best be damn happy I and other people foot the bill to make the game free for them so **** off to them. They pay for internet, movies, video games, video game consoles to play the games, a computer, the internet.…
I like it sometimes, but other times it just makes me feel like I am going blind, and since my vision has gotten very fuzzy over the past two years I don't like that. XD Other times it's kinda nice though. But in snow I just die by glow effects.
That red spot, that line; reminds me so much of my uncle. We don't call him 20 Minute Mike for no reason. "I'll be there in about 20 minutes" *gets off the phone* "Ok we have roughly 2 to 5 hours, go take your nap."
Hurry, cage it or it'll get away. D8
yeah, the fox doesn't exist and that big giant wolf isn't an all class pet either. My friend has one on another version of PWI. God I love that pet though, I wish she had one here. I'd use it to **** off all the archers who don't know how to use assist attack or shift+click. I had one tell me that assist attack wasn't for…
Huh. Well usually this sort of thing is a no-no due to site competition(like posting links to another MMO) or porno pics, dirty pages ect. But I've only ever seen a GM tell someone off for saying something/posting something naughty in WC ONE TIME, ever. In that same ten minutes someone swore someone else out and nothing…
There's no way that I know of to go in and watch another party, all i can tell you is that fighting the normal mobs in FB19 are like fighting level 30's. but a good team can get through anything(however you aren't likely to find one, methinks.) Find someone to tank, someone to heal, and go for it. :D PS I love the people…
I'd like to be able to turn the stupid things off. Turning the effects down also makes it so i can't see a lot of other things I would LIKE to see, like my attacks, other people's attacks, mount effects and some other environmental details. The game really was far less laggy when genies were not implemented. And although…