Wiz- Ophelius.
10/10 The king has spoken.
I think that the Sage nukes can sometimes cast with only one spark used, correct?
8/10 just because I lurve surfing. XD
Either stupid or ignorant because their adolescence still hasn't faded. b:angry
Because you don't have the upgraded armor from the expansion yet. XD
With my luck, I'd be caught in enemy defense crossfire as opposed to targeted by Archers. XD b:surrender
Haha! *grabs popcorn* This oughtta be good.
I C wut u did thar.
Though I wouldn't mind PvP, my death count is high enough already.
Dear lord, someone's going to be taking LC this week lol.
Well, it was worth a shot. b:victory Perhaps one could just run in the midst of everything and Sutra - Hailstorm - DB for AoE damage.
Personally, I'd put CoF and PF on the bar just to troll everyone. XD Besides, CoF can be nice against melee classes if they don't see you. ;P
Oh, quit whining. XD If we're healing, we aren't doing what we're supposed to do. We should be the ones whining! b:victory Anyway, a heal is a heal. No one should complain lol. We're just debating on how effective we are as secondary healers. :3
Hah, I'm planning on going Sage. I liek de dragonz!
You post on the forums via wii? Go Kane! XD
Doesn't sage DB stun? I'm sure a party of wizzies and a cleric can hold a zhen for a good while. :D
Once you reach a certain level, physical defence is almost negligible. Extreme poison amplifies damage, not just physical.
#1: Bought a Belkin wireless router thingamabob. Now my computer has no interwebs and I can only get on the forums from school lol. #2: Played Leroy Jenkins in BH39 about every day for a week or two. #3: Somehow tanked Calcid and Trioc. Phear mah noob powers!
Feral has nuts! b:victory Anyway, I can't say how strict any TW based guild is or not because I haven't experienced it before. I don't want to leave Feral, either, so I guess I'll just deal with the inexperience. =P If anyone can say hai to my clanmates for me, please do so. My comp is being fixed. b:cry
You can still wield magic swords and arcane armor if you put enough points into mag.
They need to pay employees somehow lol. I can't say I blame them for making money.
Well, oracling has taught me how to use apoc more than I would have imagined. Aside from holding up DB and avoiding aggro, the rest should come naturally right? =P
Pdef ornaments don't give great bonuses imo. Until you hit +4 or +5, you're better off with your garnets.
HA will be the hardest wiz to level due to lack of damage, but if you're going to level it, props to you. I think that you put in 5 str, 4 mag, and 1 dex in every two levels, you'll be golden. Just pool in the min for HA and shard your stuff with MP gems. Once you get to higher levels, you can refine your stuff for more…
Lol prof. You could nuke with pyrogram with that wiz. XD Bids would level the playing field.
Well, clerics can take aggro when their heals overpower the damage. I imagine the public quest system will work fairly similar.
The trick is waiting until you fall just below your original height to jump again. b:victory
Onoz! Zombie cleric!
I see what you did thar. XD