thx for the update! p.s anyone have videos from other verions of PW? (PWBR/RU/CN) I had a few links a while ago, but they've since been lost
Q:What did you like? Overall I am enjoying this expansion, but if i had to choose a few things that i like most about it they would be: the new skills, the world quest progression and the auto cultivation system. Q:What did you dislike? The auto squad tool, not being able to see how much infamy you have by just hovering…
Welcome to the Thunder Dome SS. *Gives lvl 1 NPC gear* Best of luck
Great job, thank you very much
RT - 3% Gluttony
Active [PvP] BigDiamond [PvP] Nigoshi [PvP] Jungleboy [PvP/PvE] Allec [PvP/PvE] Glory [PvP/PvE] VegBlade [PvP] ZaytroX [PvP] LadyBlondeh/MadeByVisa [PvP/PvE] JaviMaster [PvP] TheDan [Channel 1] [Channel 2] [PvP] XCableX [PvP] Toddloveleah [PvP] Kniraven Inactive [PvP] Zanryu [PvP] Ehmi [PvP] Rome
RT just hit 100% \o/
good watch! looked like a beastly fight, lots of back and forth!
Kiki's team of like 1349874629380461294862093462039 clerics, couldn't get anything done with their chained SoG+Sleep, don't see them around anymore though - 4 Any vici squad in a bridge battle - 3 Arawin's crew - 4
Aye, when i do play against him offensively more often than not I come out on top. Though i'm a bit skeptical about taking holy path and cloud eruption off the genie in lieu of mantle and poison which were on there before purify proc was so widespread (Not quite sure why i still have them, I rarely use them tbh), it's kind…
Congrats! and WB
xD many good times were had indeed! b:laugh
sure thing.
'twas good fun!
nice vid yo, looks like you took every opportunity given to drop a bomb on 6+ people.
Updated. inb4 sweetiebot shout b:shocked
sup homie
Good to see you back. Gotta love those bridge battles; always good fun. As for the speed of the video, while it was faster than most it was still comfortable to watch without thinking something was off or that i was missing things.
this issue is still present for many players on Raging Tide
Assasin: Kastus, Rallgum, Beesh Blademaster: Weiwei, Shadowflame Cata Barbarian: KMA, Linc, Purecat Attack Barbarian: Devilchii, Man Cleric: Dos, Starkitty, Bantonessa, Ariesbreath, Azunai, Elvenne. Wizard: Riougishiki, Enemy Mystic: Ladyfloral, Terrytini Seeker: Disrupted, Hotsama Psychic: Asarte_val, Half_Baked…
\o thx and yeah, while editing it looked much darker, but i wasn't gonna sit around for it to re-encode again. next time for that, glad y'all enjoyed b:thanks
then along comes a mod. classic rt b:embarrass
Twas good fun folks, thanks for the battle.
^This. As long as the fights are decent
Actually things are pretty good on this side of the pond. Quite enjoyable if I might say so myself. b:pleased
As far as I noticed that's how it happened yeah, everyone has an off day every now and then, it just happened to be vici's off day and they got punished for it. We all know vici is never down for long though and this much is mentioned. About the overall strat that QQme used or copied as you put've no opinion on…
0_0 did you buy the matching Kastus branded lunch box also? In my opinion kas is up there with the best sins on any server. wtb another PWIC to test the theory though b:shutup