MrConce - Harshlands Arc User


  • You sure about Mr. Clown? KD activities are no secret. And if they were speculations, then they are some damn good ones. You just nervous and broken down so far now that you are already insulting. A good troll never shows feelings. Nub. Go cry more on Kingdom gc and stop complaining on the forums about KD. Nothing you say…
  • I agree. I would love to continue to debate with you, but im sure that you, just like I am,are tired of writting and more over, people prolly dont wanna continue reading offtopic rants. See you in game Apocalyptus!! Have a nice free day ;) Gotta love those. PS. Doing what should have been done a long time ago. Taking your…
  • Have you ever considered writing a bible? b:surrender
  • Ive met someone who types walls of important text 1/5 completed, then turns in the other 4th 20 minutes later. How did you graduate school? Did you graduate? Wether you believe in gods or not, that wasnt the point. I was being sarcastic and having a little fun, which obviously your maturity doesnt allow you to have. Again,…
  • Your quoting is so bad that it screwed this post up. -_-
  • You are forced to look at your virtual self when all you are at the moment is pixel and words. Let's no forget you are submerged in a world where RL is non existant. Comes natural for me to troll as well as it is for you to outsmart your opponent. Too bad for you, your wits and brains dont work in game. In game is…
  • First, I guess everyone has to have a way to ruin threads. That's what makes us all, "Different". Is called individuality. You should practice it. And second, this is in fact a forum. Aren't we allowed to have walls of text? If you dont like it, then dont read. Sheesh, my teachers always want 10-page research papers…
  • lol. All I'm going to say Apo, you continue to edit your post changing your words around and editing your own mistakes. If you think you are getting to me, you are highly fooled and conceited. As a matter of fact, I'm sitting here laughing at how many times you've had to re-read you post and continue to add information.…
  • Nice Edit. Took you a while to re-read and clear yourself up. Apo, understand, You are in a whole new playing field that no one in this forum will ever match. You are clearly a decendant of god, and by all means, I believe and have faith. You are too mature.These forums arent for you. Simple. Oh. Btw, is "Bait", not…
  • It does have limits, We should excersice them now since I truly dont have a wish to argue with you since you pose no threat or really concern me at all. You are just another random just like me in the great Harshland server. True statement, Far more immature people in HL. But I sure I'm not even close to being bothered by…
  • I just confronted you. On your point scale of respect and following the great "Saveless" philosophy, I just earned a 10. You find it "fun" to insult the weak and get kicks out of it, I find it fun making you accept that you just like everyone else in this world, a human with feelings, and wether you like it or not, urs…
  • And god has finnaly rained down from the heavens. b:chuckle Only offered you a spot in CareBears because friendship overcomes any other idiocity that you or me might display in this forum. If you are shallow enough to insult me or even say a few innocent words to spark an argument between u and me now that you feel you are…
  • Saveless. All I gotta say to you is..... You failed the day you joined Kingdom, and despite your "Hardcore" attitude and fame of being an ****, you were played and laugh at all day yourself. Karma is a bish, you raged quitted Kingdom, and now you telling me I'm dumb. Stop being in Denial. Get urself back up, or even better…
  • This is my first mmo rpg and I know that there will be an "end game server". Trust me, at some point, everyone for the most part will be 90+, and there will be nothing more to do than pve or pk. There will not be such things as tw.
  • That's the beauty of an end game server. There will be a fine line between cash shoppers and non cash shoppers. Many smaller guilds having smaller pk fights. More of a chance for everyone to enjoy the game for what it is. Anyways, if people cash shop, what do you give? Stop worrying about it like a little gurl, and simply…
  • I cant see you lasting one day in the real life. For one, your self esteem must be so low to troll on a random alt. Look at me, I blow at the game, complete utter fail to the name of archer, yet I have the balls to put silly boys like you to shame on my main. I do care about other versions, makes me a whole step farther…
  • I completly agree with you. That's why by all means, I show you respect and I'm not bashing you or trying to spark a fight. Just clearing it up that you although being a good archer, your gear does a lot of the job for you. It goes hand in hand with your vit build. It reminds me of Antihero. He was praised for the longest…
  • That's the great MD troller comeback? You definitly are a Kingdom member. Just FYI son, **** refines or not, unrefined Rank 8 is better than any weapon nurfed,MD,or XuLin ever had. Nurfed doesnt need refines to put that weapon to good use. Either nurfed got really bad and sucks now, or HT is indeed playing Nurfed with the…
  • That is where your whole post fails. As I recall, this very last TW weekend, KD attacked KY with NOBODY else but a fake tw at the beginning ON KY's side. We ended that TW quick, and still managed to get back into action defending against KD, and not surprisingly, KD lost on an attack TW at 2 hours and 20' sumthing minutes…
  • Best advice on this thread by far. I'm going to start following it, if any of my flamer lovers have any dignity, I suggest you follow it too for the sake of the thread.
  • You are the first person to be understand and look at both sides of the story before making a statement. Props to you. Honestly, I appreacite your compliments/wishing of luck. Im hoping myself archer will pick up later, as the only archers who do always open their mouth about archers not sucking are always the ones with…
  • As I recall, you were growing as a potential good archer back in the day. Up to this point, you were always asking for advice on what would be best for you as an archer and what to wear and what to do at diff situations. If anyone here needs some advice to learn how to be productive without gear, then that would be you my…
  • I think HT gets more love than you do, thats why you sucking on hits **** so that maybe one day youll have a shot at being a somebody. Go fetch me some water, boy. Im thirsty.
  • To you is QQ, To me is constructive criticism. That's why YOU will never understand. So stop trolling me, ur non factor actions have reached their potential. You know urself youd be back on the server and completly show urself as a complete disgrace to the name that xheart was. Accept it like a man, roll off the forums and…
  • I edited my post so that people have ease understanding what type of endgame server Im talking about. Also @ Ligeia, the server that I have in my mind does not include you, since the moment there are more cs archers with equal gear to you but better refines, your build will cease to work for you and quite frankly, I see…
  • True about archers. I couldnt agree with you more. Too many times ive wanted to reroll. Ive played all classes but BM. Is the only class I cant stand along with archers, but for some reason I still rolled one. I should have stayed cleric or barb. But, I dug myself a hole, bought all my demon skills, and now im bound to my…
  • Perfect example. HeadTrauma. Nough said. I guess all you can do is sit there and QQ about it and wait. When I do get it, we will see what the outcome is. Odds are on your side bro, by all means, I could still fail, and if I do, then that makes me a nonfactor. So if Im a nonfactor, why bother reply to my story with ur…
  • I believe that KD never had it in them. It was just levels and levels. When KY had 60+ level 90+, KD barely had 40. Recently, both KY and KD have achieved 70+ 90+ and the only reason why KD is still able to keep up in levels is because more than 75% of the higher levels of the server still suck up to Nurfed and followed…
  • It does, I dont deny it. Its a LUNAR bow. Lv 15 refines and good effect does hurt indeed. He purged me every damn first shot in tw. I hope when I have mine I wont have the ****tiest luck I always have and be the complete opposite. Anyways, my whole point with that was, while his weapon is godly, the blessing has allowed…