MoonHearts - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • How entertaining? We sign up for a PvE server to have PvP shoved down our throats. All this so that the people who can't hang with the big boys on the real PvP servers can go to PvE so that they can feel like they are superior amidst their own inferiority. I get that we all have the option to go pk if we so choose on PvE.…
  • i get the whole buyer beware thing, but I agree that these individuals can ruin someones gaming experience. I've mainly noticed the cat shops selling Perfect Tokens of Luck for 4.7 mil or 4.8 mil, but they are only worth 10k. It takes a long time to earn coinage in this game unless you do nothing but farm and sell for a…
  • I completely agree, Barbs need a boost to their threat so they can get and hold aggro. I know that there will be times someone will crit and take it, but they should be able to get it back. Most of the Sin's and fist BM are unable to take the pounding a Barb can, which is why we all need them. What would an FF run be like…
  • I think that is a fabulous idea! I realize that to PWI it might ding their pocket book a bit, but they are coming out with stuff for the botique every day.
  • Any help on this one would be appreciated - I received this quest yesterday and went to Etherblade today for the First Step - Traveling and walked my feet off and nothing. I teleported back and forth to and from everywhere as well, still nothing. The quest is just sitting dormant in my quest list. I can't trash it and…