Mohkano - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I have a friend who also said there were no major compatibility issues with 7. The only problems she had were some unrelated things with her soundcard.
  • Assuming I am using a Golem, around what level should I be able to solo the human FB19 to completion?
  • Thanks for the answers, another pet-related questions: Under the pet's stats, what is "Damage"? It seems kinda random and doesn't seem to relate to physical attack in any way that I can see... Also, is it possible to get by in the game using a pet that I like rather than a golem or herc? I'm not talking about for playing…
  • There is a very wide variance because it depends on what you do with your character and the specific build you are following as well. Just as sort of an illustration, a claw BM that uses heavy armor will only be able to practically get 1 vit every other level if they plan to keep up with their gears, and as such, will…
  • Also, it does depend a bit, if someone is not using apoc powders or anything, then feel free to give them the buff, and it will probably be appreciated. The purpose of this is to pay attention to your target, which is why I called it "watch what you're casting" rather than "stop buffing me." The seal is preferable to…
  • 10 minutes, however the increased strength makes them preferable even though they are shorter duration.
  • To name a few: Life Powder is a level 1 Apoc item that it recovers 50 HP/Sec. Focus Powder is a level 2 Apoc item that recovers 50 MP/Sec. Healing Orbs are a level 4 Apoc item that recover 100 HP/Sec. These all have exactly the same icon under a player's name as Celestial Guardian's Seal (The HP ones having the small red…
  • As long as errant buffs continue, that may well be in my future. ;(
  • When you start at level 3, then you go to level 4, then you go to level 5, you have gained 2 levels. Most people tend to speak of stat-point allocation in terms of every two levels, since you get 5 points per level, and that is difficult to split and keep with armors and such. So, if you need to get 2 vit, 7 mag, and 1 str…
  • Well, the problem isn't so much partying with someone when I know before hand that I am going to be buffed, but rather when I'm grinding by myself and my hands are dancing across the keys as I'm casting different things and kiting and whatnot, and in guild chat as well, and some random cleric comes by and starts buffing…
  • It depends on how you want to play, Blademasters are fairly common and are sort of a do-anything type class. But, since there are a lot of them, when someone needs a BM for something, you're going to be up against good competition. Barbs are pretty boring, but they are a character that is desired by many people and often…
  • In my opinion, by the time you get to the point in the game where those skills are crucial, you will have the money for them, especially as a venomancer. Just by farming mats and selling DQ items, I can afford a 100k~300k investment around level 25 on my BM/MG. I can imagine for a veno, standard leveling, the skills aren't…
  • Straighter than being a male archer. b:chuckle
  • If you've ever even played a wizard and cast it on something, you would know that it does not heal 100% HP.
  • This might sound silly, but I prefer polearms because I cannot stand how silly the double axes and hammers look. >.> Though, on a PvP note, it does a little bit of all the other weapon trees. It can AoE, it can deal powerful single-target, ranged, bleed, and has better hit rate than the axes. So, in a word, because I find…
  • Sorry, random question, I'd rather not clutter with threads: Which of the weapons have the highest non-skill DPS? Typically, I've heard that it is better to just melee with fists, though I wonder if that isn't because fist skills just suck as opposed to the weapon actually being good for meleeing. I calculated it out, and…
  • On a slightly similar note, most people I've run into say to max the marrows so that you 'have ultimate defence against all.' However, I'd always heard that you should get the marrows to like 3 or so, and leave them there, so that you don't destroy your other defence whenever you use one. Which is correct?
  • Performed a checkdisk and it found no errors, so :s
  • Is there a particular rhyme or reason as to how buffs overwrite one another, or is it just the most recently cast?
  • I'm having issues with this as well, is a computer restart the only way to deal with it? My RAM is plenty as well (2GB), but sometimes if I leave my vend running in west arch....
  • Another question: If I use a focus powder, and a cleric gives me the +MP recovery buff, how do those interact? Do they stack? Does one overwrite the other? Thanks.
  • This is my drowned wizard.
  • 3/5 - He isn't bad looking per-say, but he's also a little unexciting. I mean, I've seen countless other archers/priests who look exactly like that. So, decently manly and good looking, but nothing I haven't seen. Mein Wizard: Been thinking of dying her hair a dark purple lately, still not sure though. :x
  • Wizards are not necessarily hard to solo, as least as far as I've gotten with it. It's not the ideal class for solo'ing of course, and you're not going to be solo'ing any bosses or anything, but they generally grind perfectly well. One nice thing is, you generally don't have to worry about your HP because you're either…
  • Yeah, at lower levels, if you're having difficulty killing a monster, just keep using Gush and running back. It takes a hell of a long time, but it's better than being dead. I would not advise switching to light armor at that point, and if you do want to go LA, then remake your character. I can see the case for mag/vit and…
  • I had a question along these lines: If I am grinding, and I have a choice between a decent belt/necklace for my level, or a poor one a few levels lower that has a +exp attribute on it, which is more desirable to wear? Is the experience from the +exp gears better than the experience that could be gained by using more…
  • You have to be careful about how you cast your spells. If you run in and just let all hell rip, you'll probably steal aggro every time. If you pace your spells and choose the proper ones, the barb should be able to hold aggro.
  • E-Sensual Sutra
  • I play wizard because no one will ever expect much from me.
  • Lucrative is a word that means "makes me good money" And, alright. Another question though, I've been considering my build around now, and while I still think it's too early for me to switch over to Light Armor (Probably going to wait until 50's or so to do it), I was wondering how exactly does one transition armor types?…