*sniffles* I miss squading with Reli
*ADVANCED* makeover scroll : 1 time customization that includes all options of all classes and +/- 50% value limits. PWI makes money becuase people actually wish to BUY the stupid scroll from cash shop, and players are all happy with more customizations. problem solved?
GM cannot fix.... the hamsters that power the server needed a food break, they were running all week and need a few hours to recuperate. Though, with all of the cash shop income, I think that PWI should upgrade to a bigger hamster power source.
Time is 10:46, the forums fail at detecting daylight savings. 75 min remaining.
+1 hour due to failed forum DST
(hyper + double + training) x mobXP 12+2+2 x XP 16 x XP cooldown during 2x works the same way 10% xp and 2x xp comes to 1.1xp or something stupid EDIT: yea, what poster above said, some dont stack with eachother, but basic logic applies
40 minutes late and still has typos on the lion lord... SHUT IT DOWN AND FIX IT! "Pet Egg of the Goldmane Lion Lord.\r"
told ya...
Server is up... hurry before they change their minds and turn it off again... at least the patcher recognizes the new patch as the active one :(
Dunno about you, but if I were to login as multiple accounts... I would use multiple computers. So much simpler to work with, and most people have several computers in their home. Which would bypass that mac address thing... Of course... why would the GM's care about your logic on who to ban? And why are you making this…
I think it is several years old. And the solution to mine was... start both timers at same time, once 3 minute one is up, start boiling egg. 5-3 = 2 XD. Why hasnt this thread been depthed for spam yet?
He got drunk and forgot. How would you go about boiling a two-minute egg if you only had two sand timers - one for five minutes & the other for three minutes - to time it with?
Transcend... wished to stick with Infamy friends. Not that I have much time to be on with night classes and all.
There are only 2 results that should be even remotely "hard to keep up with" the rest should be... "Infamy no-show, Infamy poof" or "xxx was rolled by xxx (or NPCs in case of Leviathan)"
:( I distinctly remember a forum topic in which we were able to vote.... regarding disbanding
some of our oldest members ragequit the game, we decided that it wasnt fun anymore to make our sole goal to be about TW, and VOTED to disband and start fresh. (after all, it is kinda more fun to start stuff from scratch)
If i mention potatoes... are you going to go into a life story about how you had a pet potato that was run over by a car?
So he is officially banned? I thought he had the cash-shopper immunity
That is Gonja's account? oh boy!
GMs have never been known to discuss bans on the PUBLIC forums... go send an email to them from the email address linked to your banned account. All the info you need is in the support section of the website. kkthxbai (see ya in the post graveyard)
Maintenance day right now, game servers offline.... patch server online.
What exactly happened with the fake bidding? I.E. who was bidding on who and what not?
:( i still have no idea what you are referring to with AOEs in TW... nor do I know who Noraelis is :( *sniffles*
Is that like making "special" brownies?
Since neither of us are allowed in... wanna cuddle by the teleporter?
Did I ever say I was a factor? And I can spam anything I wish... public forum after all :) Though, who goes and who does not go is actually somewhat on topic... considering I am a member of Infamy, and they are participating this weekend. :P EDIT: Who is rudy?
The 8k thing was sarcasm I know nothing about bilzey or whatever, I dont pay attention to everyone that joins, I just know that we TRY to prevent people who apply to both.. just like you guys Accidentally killed by AOEs? Unsure what you are referring to... and sorry? Pew is the one who seems to think my participation…
Once again, what makes you say that I won't be there? So far.. I have participated in 6 out of 7 TWs with Infamy. Less assumptions with no knowledge kiddo?
nab cleric? You have never seen me heal. And no, I was 72 when you were 40, i went from 77-79 yesterday. And as I recall.. it is YOU who are not going to the QQme-Infamy war. Level =/= nab using your skills poorly = nab Now stop failing.