Metalpuritan - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Safe to try again? Are you serious? No, it is not safe to try again, you will catch a virus that shows on the outside of your body that looks like your skin is necrotizing and you will be labeled a pariah and before too long you will die an agonizing death while taking a **** on the toilet with your pants down around your…
  • If you have any clue at all, getting back to 100 is easy and fast and you can do it in just a week or two(two tops) without doing FCC even once. ***Level 1 to 30*** Save up your fantasy fruit bags from lucid silver and gold, like 40-60 of them will get you to lvl 30+, if you have no danatasy fruit bags, you can just auto…
  • Giving frost plade to anyone but melee characters is pointless anyway. Frostblade does not work on magic skills. Don't beleive me? Cast frostblade on yourself then use fire skills on fire immune mobs, if you do zero damage, what I say is confirmed. You have been warned.
  • There are plenty of new players joining this game daily, so many in fact, if I worked really hard at it, I could fill an entire lvl 3 faction with nothing but brand new players in just a week. I have actually done so once. It was a lot of work getting these people to level up, so many FBs and so much farming it was…
  • You know what they do when they catch you wearing bound gear? They go to the promotions agent, destroy your gear then put the tokens in your bank and lock them in your own bank with a new code if you have not locked your own bank, so you cannot recover them after you change your password on your account. These people are…
  • So, you are like my number one fan now, probably my ONLY fan. I am grateful to my one and only fan for holding me in such high regard, you have no idea how much that means to me. I am very pleased you took the time out of your day, however little to recognize my brilliance. Just remember, I didn't put me up on that high…
  • I am sad to say that I am actually embarrassed for the original poster here. How humiliating to be like the only person who is having a difficult time with this daily quest, then to have made a very public forum thread about it. If I did this, I would have to take a break from the game for like a week to let everyone…
  • This is hilarious, he is using the Internet but has no clue at all as to how everything is working. EVERY site has some tracking on it. Don't you ever wonder why ads pop up related to your searches? Type in "car insurance" one day into your Internet browser and click on a few of the top results and for like a month or more…
  • You only THINK there is nothing wrong with "your Internet". The thing is, YOU don't have any Internet, we all share the same web. The signal(packets) sent to PWI's servers that tells the server what you just typed into your client(your game) and the message that the servers send to your client(what your character actually…
  • I am very poor at public relations. It is not that I lack empathy, I don't, I do realize you feel, I just don't care. Logic only from or to me gets the job done, any other way and things just get complicated. As such I have an impossible time dealing with other humans(you). Everything must be rational. I get nothing of the…
  • It IS stashable, it is just like the... it IS the same blessing. I was just saying they could give us all a permanant one that could be switched from character to character. I mean, they have to have some way to inconvenience us, right? The whole purpose behind making us log into Facebook was so that they could use us all…
  • Yeah, and after all PWI/PWE has done, they have certainly earned our trust... Yeah RIGHT!!! I couldn't even type that with a straight face. You got A LOnG LONG LONG WAY TO GO and a whole lot of work to do to get our trust back. Forcing Arc on us and not saying anything about its full on launch was definitely NOT a good…
  • I am definitely giong to send myself 10 of these. Edit: RIGHT NOW. Edit: And then to each of my alts on the same account as well, as I see the option is there for that too. Last edit: After all that, I have a good idea for you, make the Jones' Blessing not a timed item and make it account stashable and just send one to…
  • I would choose option three which is not listed. I would start a revolution against anyone who tried to limit my variety. Based on the posts here, I would say a lot of people would die if left to their own devices, they would die of scurvy at the least, not to mention problems with their livers and kidneys. To humor the…
  • If I had a choice of super powers to acquire, i would certainly choose levitation. Using some imagination and hard training of my powers I could create lightning storms, tornadoes and level entire cities. I would always walk around with a bag of sand. I could even train myself to deconstruct matter with the power of…
  • I too was having issues with access to the site at the time this thread was posted, seems to be functioning normally now though.
  • don't worry original poster, you are not crazy and you are not alone, at the time you posted, it was indeed malfunctioning, it would bounce you to the Facebook login then bounce right back to the page, totally bogus. It is working fine now though.
  • Simply put, I have noticed this too, though, my luck is horrendously bad, so you might not want to gauge this by my findings. However, you say you are others you talk to have noticed it...I have also talked to a few people who say the same thing, but they didn't notice it with the expansion, they noticed it a few weeks…
  • Most items stack higher than they used too, at least TT mats do, they are no longer restricted to just a stack of 20, they now stack up to 100+-200+, maybe more. So now cat shops can sell them in large numbers, This reduces the need for the AH to sell these items now because people can unload all of their wares from one…
  • A latex gimp suit would certainly be a hot seller. I wouldn't get one but you know mass people would be all over that. Total money maker, as weird as most of these people are... Now doubt in my mind they could make a fortune off of a latex gimp suit.
  • Mirages are not in a short supply by any stretch of the imagination now as we speak today even. You can get 20 everyday per character on all characters on all accounts from doing Endless Universe. That is practically an infinite amount of mirages. You will sometimes get the weapon token, but that is very rare in comparison…
  • I voted "Don't care" I did this not because I don't care, because I do. But the other two options are not that great either. I neither like, nor do I dislike Arc. To me, Arc is just another web browser. This particular web browser is site specific, it is only meant to handle PWI interactions only. If they were to include…
  • I get hit for 136k on a regular basis in NW. Tonight in fact I was hit by an assassin, it was a one shot kill which, by itself is no shocker really, I am a cleric and all... But the real shocker is that his damage to me never appeared over my head and it never registered in the battle dialogue in my chat window. I also get…
  • People are saying "what will I do without my fairy boxes", what they really mean to say is "OMG I cant multi client run TT any more for 12-36 or more fairy boxes a day then NPC them all and make like 2-3 million a day off them any more." That is ACTUALLY what is going on here. Anyone who did not see the eventuality of them…
  • I am a "normal" and I take offense at you, you do not speak for me. I find this game more entertaining now than ever before.
  • The Bum class. Half can't read, half can't write/type and most just don't care.
  • Just run some more FCC, you will get it.
  • You are not going insane Gecko, I am getting the same thing, it comes and goes, I didn't get it this time I came onto the site but got it several times yesterday and the day before. Just keep denying it, that is what I am doing.
  • I run into this very same situation on my characters. I do not have any problem with it at all. So this begs the question, what is wrong with YOU?
  • I wouldn't vote for any of your options. Instead, I feel they should add .WAV sounds for all of the different ground textures. There are games as old as the 90s(Baulder's Gate, released in 1998) that have different walking sounds for different ground textures. I just don;t understand how something like this can be…