d(^.^) Me am approve of this thread. b:avoid
Or....teh kitties be coming over to me side. b:avoid
- ~(^.^)~
d(^.^) and hamster also at PAX East. b:avoid
Zmog. (O.O) Also guess me got the coordinates off again. D: and ello there everyone. ^(^.^)^ Sowwy, but me not back. As for where me am now now? Somewhere in the upper parts of "Canada" nomming some seeds & slightly off by ~4 seconds. (Tis very cold up here, but had to harvest a few things specific only to this region.)…
Necro necro necro. ellvalin try smarter, not harder. You make a password. The game doesn't give you one. x.x' (Reading and common sense help quite a bit.)
D: lol That thread was for humans with suboptimal computers which had issues with lag in which darth prescribed specific .ini file edits. You are obviously not following his prescription & "cherry picking" his words to benefit your goals. Also what you're doing doesn't make the game any more or less playable. o.o' Tis just…
Sowwy that my Ban Hamster GM summoning powers don't transfer over to people. .-. & me detect signs of botting from graef and um...other things... o_o' graef's system needs some cleaning out. Dx Best way for you is to record them, if you can't think of anything special to say then say something simple like "hello" or "how…
Night night Fuzzy. & yes me did detect your post at 12:30. o_O'
Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. ^(o.o)^ Tis but an echo. b:avoid
koobecaf We require moar eggcorn. ._.' That is all. b:avoid
You're welcome. b:avoid
Hamster Packs. b:avoid
Fixed. b:avoid
Nope, just took altering a few stuff here and there. x.x' Next phase of ebil plan appears to be facing unknown opposition. b:puzzled Okie, this should hold out. *poof*
b:quiet b:avoid
b:shocked Thought they somehow caught video footage of me. (But nah, wrong office, wrong time.) d(^.^) b:avoid
No, just hamnapping the votes for the ebil lols. b:avoid
Vote for "Im from another server and ive come to troll this thread" (Tis another name for me.) b:avoid
b:shocked The humans has found my magic hamster ball. Dx
*Wondering how long it takes Deora to be confoosed.*
There can be only one! b:angry Also tis okie. Fuzzy isn't far as you know. b:avoid *Incoming post from Deora.*
Quite a lot as always? Although away from the MMORPG field currently.
Sowwy, I have to respond to this. This thread just caught my eye. Also this regarding the original post: What the heck are you thinking Shelly? (I say "are" as your thought process have not changed yet.) *Epic Facepaw* You mentioned that you play other…
Oddly enough, although I need to be in a PvP server when playing MMORPGS, it's more for the functional purposes. (I'm quite a peaceful hamster.) o.o' Well, I'm still/have/will play ~65% of all games humans have/will create. You'll probably find me in one form or another in various stages of my plan. I never seeked/asked…
yesh b:avoid Nah, tis not just the bad times. There are other reasons. Both from management and the forums itself as well. .-.
possibly. b:avoid Yaxana will you take for the lols for an answer? .-.
Me had the quote quoted before you did the edit. >:3