Lord_Mot - Harshlands Arc User


  • I think nerfing exp is totally the wrong approach. They need to amp up the goons exp so one run will take the noobs from 1 to 105. The sooner they are there, the sooner they will get bored with the game and its "lack of content" and will quit and we will be rid of them.
  • Most of the time Holy Path is more of a convience skill to let you keep up with squad in an instance. There are occasions when you're getting pounded by a mob or mobs that it allows you to run away and gives you enough time to fly out of range. I find Second Wind still very useful as an emergency heal while a pot is in…
  • I was going to bring up genies if no one else did. Both of these skills are good ones but I find that Tree of Protection is a good complement/substitute for Second Wind with the healing over time, you just can't wait till the last minute to use it. The earlier suggestion of building a LA wizard is not a bad one, but at…
  • My apologies, I guess I did come across a bit defensive. I can't really argue any of your points. I'll blame sleep deprivation. It seems I was up till 2 am playing some game on the computer (yes, addicted) and had to get up at 6 o'clock, lol.
  • I read this, lol'd, thought about it some more... and lol'd again. I believe you are missing the whole point of Caster Nirvana. We poor "sub par dps" casters needed a special instance just for us cause we are so fail that we couldn't compete with you godly aps'ers. And you know what, it's the most FUN I've had in the GAME…
  • My wife and I have the same problem, only since the last patch - 560 I think, the last one in August- It only happens when in cities with a lot of other characters around. I can play outside of the cities all day long with no problem. I have found that if I set to efficient mode it never happens. So it's back and forth…
  • Don't know about the GMs, but I saw a certain MOD (rhymes with Pretty Hat) hanging around (dare I say 'lurking') in SP this weekend on DW. He was even saving a cute little gal who had decided to go afk in the demon fire room. Run in... kill demon fires... run out... run in... kill demon fires... run out. I took over so my…
  • Lol, I'm not that much of a ****. Lord Mot came first, but then my wife start playing, hit lvl 30, got sick of getting pk'd by high level jerks (didn't mind fair fights), so we emigrated to a PVE server.
  • I actually use macros quite a bit (on my 100 wizzy), especially on the "kill 589 of mob x" quests. (I know, doing quests is old fashion, but it's a matter of principle. It only took me 20 months to get to 100 - with only 1 FC - for the quests ofc) I have one for each element type, each starts with either gush or glacial…
  • You didn't by any chance leave your faction or try it on a factionless alt? You probably already know this, but you have to be in a faction to get the quest, whether that faction has a base or not.
  • IMHO one of the top ten best forum posts EVER!!!
  • Boot Camp mentioned above would probably be your best bet. My daughter has a MacBook and PWI runs fine on it. My wife and I have iMacs and use it as well. Don't know about yours, but a lot of colleges use the Office suite for homework, so it might not be a bad idea to have Windows on your Mac anyway. You will need a full…
  • Did the event work on the West Coast servers? Just wondering if it has been/will be fixed before tonight's event.
  • My guess is that the 10:15 was just a typo and should have been 20:15, since the event is supposed to end at 20:40. Of course, it has to start before it can end.
  • At least you took a SS for proof, that should help if worse comes to worse. Here's hoping it won't come to that. b:victory
  • You know, the last time the servers crashed, they had to roll back everything a couple of hours. b:worried
  • Hey, who is this woman and these small people in my house? Hmmm they do look sort of familiar.
  • My wife and I made a couple of Sins yesterday and we had the same problem. I did a little digging and found the original PWI announcement about the quest and, unfortunately, it ended on June 19.
  • After resisting the evil APS Sin invasion for the last year and a half, I'll finally give in and roll a farming Sin and level him as quickly as possible to start gathering uncannies and raptures for my "Real" characters. So, with my luck, you can expect APS to be nerfed within the next month or two.
  • I had the same issue using Windows 7, I found that if I followed the directions above and right-clicked on elementclient and selected "Run as Administrator" instead of double-clicking, it worked fine. Hope this helps.
  • So Cleric didn't make the list? My lvl 95 sage cleric can round up 15-20 lvl 96 spiders, kill them in two shots, and go back for more with spark eruption and Master Li's Technique and hardly any mana use or repair costs.
  • Astrella, you're a genius!
  • I may be oversimplifying, but if demon/sage spark had a cooldown of say, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, or even 90 seconds, would that not stop the permaspark monster in its tracks?