Kynt - Harshlands Arc User


  • question: doesn't increase phisical dmg status overwrites the spark atk value? and congrats for the double int
  • "obviously a helm of warsoul" i like the obvious part b:chuckle
  • vit stones also reduce dmg by increasing defenses...ofc not as a jod but a +20 brings some resistances... the more hp the harder to bring it down, the harder to put hp debuff...and on the other hand at a 50k bar lets say u put the hp debuff idk at 4k (taking by eye as u dont see the actual hp left)...well that 4k may be 5k…
  • actually no its not enough...since all use JoD and JoD...and whats the best choice? "cough"JoD"cough", why not barbs get +20 vit? vit stones are meant for barbs not JoD's but in this current state of game +10 vit are to weak compared to def 2. so again vit+20 cuz of wizard hp debuff, cuz of cleric heal debuff cuz of god…
  • it all depends on luck. at my first necklace i was damn lucky with the mats, got them from 1 GBS 1 Essence Crystal, and since not many were doing cube for neck i found purified stones rather easy and cheap (arrround 300k/each). On the other hand a pal of mine tried the same way and surpassed the chips price with tries in…
  • moving FC in Lothranis/Mormaganon b:victory (would filter alot of newbies)
  • 7 days limited vendor shops Not pets, not female fash to male chars, not fantasy fruits (or at least make them available in account stash) b:angry
  • "members were only getting (before the map reset) about a 4m paycheck per week" do ppl still give paychecks?...thought it was an extinct notion...and only leaders and close friends get paychecks.....if thats true i wanna change server b:laugh
  • read only the 1 post so don't kill me. how about " me offert" b:victory
  • most events like PQ are let to rot mostly cuz of: nabs that bring alts, nabs much higher lvl that starts pking low levels, nab rewards (xp when there is fc, worthless rep, pq rings in packs). Now if u wanna pq its for fun, to do it some rounds just for the fun of it.
  • u still dont get it do u? the more mats on the market, the more ppl hungry for coins, and the more drop in vana mats price, making it useless in the end...cuz of too low prices....making the market crash. or who do u think will keep prices up? grandma? most ppl sell the mats almost instantly no matter the price just to get…
  • omg u sure like to qq and make looong posts...the reason is simple: multi caster nirvana is dis-balancing the vana market cuz it drops too many raps compared with normal. u can circle around however u want ...this is a fact. if u don't like it thought luck.. go aps, or farm morai for those talismans...or ....or....rage…
  • 1. Ofc they are pissed, but all in all the fix is good....unlimited clever caster nirvana brings alot of more mats on the market than normal (and u can qq all u want i know i am right) fixing the glitch is actually balancing stuff. 2. its a "nerf on aps"....its not big, but at least its a start stop QQ 3.…
  • hell ya <--- nab at work. before doing anything with c++ forgot to read this: "If you have installed previous pre-release versions of Visual C++ 2005 or Visual Studio 2005, such as Beta 1, Beta 2 or Community Technical Preview (CTP) builds, then you must uninstall these versions via Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel…
  • i have the latest direct x and c++, reinstalled the game 3 times using either automatic update either manual patch...i am logged as admin and all those settings...same thing happens ....when i press start...i get 10 secs delay and same stuff: enter game fails. now dont make me reinstall my os b:angry. oh yeah and i…
  • Trial 2: if u feel uncertain of the squads u are having in trial, u can always start digging chests before u start the challenge, and just turning them in at npc once started...leaving u only with killing the mobs.
  • Trial 2: if u're in a hurry and don't have enough idols.....u can accompany the immune to dmg mobs and slow/freeze them that idiols have more hits on them....this might save your skin....
  • from my point of view best damage can be achieved by using r9 double dmg weapon. so best hit may be achieved by a full strength bm, axes developed, with demonspark+crit+2xdmg with the maximum dmg from axes b:victory
  • would u preffer lvl1 b:pleased ? and those may stack, probably, i didnt counted, but the stacking time is nothing compared with wood. hypothetically speaking if the metal dmg stacks in 3-5 seconds interval wood stacks somewhere arround 10-15 thats where im getting at, and as i sayd its not qq its just a suggestion..nothing…