I can still get them np Oo
Find it funny how the idiot are judging a server active or not by how many unactive player are in catshop..............
omg i hoppe no one will ever cs enough to get this XD
This one got punched hard --> click me
lol fail b:chuckle
This is scary b:shocked
LOL (guess you meant PVE?)
Idk if good is the word b:chuckle, and sadly Fraps is no longer free b:cry. Too bad i couldn t record yesterday pk session it was awesome. Had like 2 x double K.O LOL
This is so true lol, and yes pvp is kinda the only thing to do at endgame so better choose pvp server imo, even if i get a lot of fun still pvping on a pve server. b:pleased
6 years old is very old for a computer, there has been a lot of improvement since 2004 and even if you buy a new graphic card, more RAM and update your driver don t think that it ll be very better. You should buy a new computer imo. b:bye
best class for this is the now famous " Hyper class" = every class as long as you got $ to spend on hyper stones. But more seriously all class kinda lvl as fast as the other
another question, how are calculated the hours you get? I mean is it like 1 kill =+1 hour or something?
It s the time you take to come QQ on forum /troll b:bye
click here
Not at home, else i would post a pic with that Red Rad spot right in the middle of all this blue XXD b:pleased
4.3XX -4.4XX i think b:chuckle (with full phys def shard)
Veno with nix and sin b:shocked
Thanks , I know you want to see me get owned by 5 ppl lol b:mischievous
Give me the name of a good program to make an in game video and i might show you how i do (even the "get ganked by 5 ppl after each kill" part b:chuckle).
Press the button again > Turn into HumanoFish > land on a nice beach, now you can breath out of water b:victory And I dare you to get sage/demon TideForm lol b:chuckle
Keep both voodoo, buble of life, landslide and the 2 starter skill maxed for your lvl. Don t lvl Soul of Vengeance it only increase the mp cost of the skill not the dmg (max it to 10 when you get sage/demon version at 89 + only, same thing for Soul of Stunning) LvL Torrent if you like ( not very a usefull skill coz you ll…
str has nothing to do with our dmg except if you like to poke ppl with your yo-yo only mag and mag atk addons/points gives more magic atk, (and you be 80 without knowing that?)
Or you can do like *censored* and knock it back to dwp and have a nice lag fast b:laugh
Fight stupidity is an endless fight good luck b:chuckleb:bye
I played LA till idk, was the time where i had bh59, then restat AA coz of lack of power and felt squishy to both magic and phys dmg. I ll not say anything about if it s a good build or not just telling you my experience. Oh and even been AA you can pown most ppl.
*Call 911* b:chuckle
LOL, you read my mind ... hmm wait... The psychic is me not you b:chuckle
They actually starting to "fix it" if you check the patch note, but well so far it s not at any location where most ppl use to be, but it s already a good start b:thanks
I wish it would b:chuckle , could be so funny b:pleased ping pong debuff XD
What s the point of this thread b:beatup , sage ftw!!b:victory