Judo_ - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I like the in game sounds, and the motorcycles kinda kill it for me--and I can always mute. But unfortunately black list gets full so I'm going to say horns for me. b:victory
  • Yeah that's what happens to me too. This is what I had to do haha. I'd select the char, it'd say "Logging on to Perfect World please wait.." then *Crash*. The second solution would fit it best for you. The first one has not worked for me either...
  • Yeah indeed this has happened to me too! This is what I do. (Got it from another thread specifically from a GM's reply.). 1) When you log on, hold down either the W,A,S,D upon log on to TRY to move from that spot where you crashed. 2) If that fails, on the element client, click on graphics. Slide every bar to the left and…
  • Lets' say theoretically speaking they do put medals in there ; like you said for a VERY high price. You can only afford one. Now what? You're out of acheivement tokens and wasted your points on one medal. Only 30+ left to go...seems redundant to even think about medals in the shop if you ask me hehe b:shocked
  • Not to mention the flyers either ; but that's okay though they're easy enough to sell on WC..it'd just be a bit more of a plus to have for the on the go guy like me that doesn't like to cat shop. b:victory
  • Medals? Not a chance ; I voted token shop because that's the most obvious and logical choice.
  • The only one I've met in real life in this game is my current girlfriend both in game and out b:cute If I met the majority of people from the server I play on, I'd probably end up using them as target practice for my martial arts.
  • Yup just NPC it as the above said ; then check your DQ 30-60 mins later. It should update with 500 added on there b:victory
  • Yeah I have family over in Japan so it was tough...but since I was born here the feeling is no different. I just hope they choose a better item to put on sale than a one time use item. b:victory
  • Oh wow 620 tokens b:shocked didn't even realize I had tokens until you brought it up. Interesting indeed! I'll keep on checking this daily ; thank you for the heads up hehe b:victory
  • I cant' even begin to count how many sub-level BHs/FBs I've helped with especially on my retired Cleric. I really don't mind helping at all. I don't take any drops or DQ items because I know others need it to teleport or get places quicker.
  • I've squadded with Seekers in FCC. They're pretty bad ***, they do that spinning thingy and then everything dies b:shocked They also help me kill Harpy's with their ranged metal attacks which is a nice addition indeed. People are still feeling out the new classes therefore are slightly skeptical and discriminant against…
  • How about....a Silver Steed Mount b:victory
  • I did that 3 years ago on my archer... my very first char. I'll never forget those... It also helped level my char 60-70 (which was considered high level back then) b:victory I got enough Silvers and Bronzes to get my Violet Lightning Egg. There were only a very small handful of them on Sanctuary at the time too. I…
  • This is exactly where the "Vicious cycle" I mentioned would come into play. Then the 5.0s would be b:cry ing about any small change that would "nerf" their usefulness and how long instances took etc. because they're so used to the 10 minute nirvana runs and 15-20 ish 3-2, 3-3s. Noone comes out pleased in the end...with…
  • I'd have to say a reindeer would be more of a violation of your standards b:chuckle
  • Yeah I concur as well sir, but the thing is...once you got your TT99, your nirvana +10-12, what is there left to do besides TW and log on once a week? If they do come out with new end game content for people it will only be a matter of time before that becomes obsolete too due to 5 APS and lack of arcanes, it will only…
  • Apparently it's bannable from reading past threads though I've seen tons and tons of female chars using the EG eyes... ...but I personally don't care what people do with their characters, it's their personal creativity and creativity shouldn't be bound by rules.
  • I don't see why they wouldn't do it again... ...BOI has a great rewards system when you charge zen...can't see why it can't be reactivated on another PWI game...b:shocked
  • A turtle or rhino would be sick as hell b:victory
  • Yeah this server is something else isnt it...though I do highly dislike over 80% of the people on this server..there are nice ones out there that might help you out. Not quite common though. Me and my gf might be up for it when my BM is 95 ish. She is also 5 APS. We will do it free of charge sir.
  • I do applaud the mods for doing some board control..far different than it was a few months ago b:victory. I actually like the new mods from what I've seen so far.
  • Yay congrats b:victory Now the trick is... "What to do at level 100 that will keep me interested? b:puzzled"
  • I always do it for free courtesy of my girlfriend b:cute. But if you don't have a partner to solo FCC with, then sometimes taking the easy way out by buying out FCC is more of a hassle than it's worth. I haven't heard of any scamming on Sanctuary regarding FCC yet so I'm not too sure what to make of it yet...
  • Hello b:bye Been playing for almost 3 years now..this is me. Skateboarding and shopping recently. Take care guys
  • Aww thanks guys b:cute Happy Easter to you as well sir.
  • ....nothings really changed on our server at all. Still the same immature WC people b:angry Black list full, etc. b:victory Rubberbanding like above posts state is still present, 5.0 is still needed in (almost all) instances. Gold still hovering over 900k+ Pack sales like crazy as always, not a big fan of the Easter…
  • This whole forum (just about) is pretty much an eye sore b:shocked
  • To piggy back the above post... ...you can press P to open the pet bag, then click+drag the mount icon onto your skill bar and easily access it to hot key or click! b:victory Also be sure to have a tome on and click on "goods" from the pet manager and buy some peanut oils to increase it's loyalty. This will help prevent…
  • Yeah I agree that they should have a helm!!! They should put little hole openings in the spartan helm so your whiskers can breathe too b:pleased I'd think above all classes that barbs should be able to wear the WHOLE spartan outfit more than any other class you'd think b:cry