Don't forget the avatarless forum trolls. One seems to be posting in this thread as well. And as a 91 Veno WITH a Herc, I will say one thing. Sometimes, you just have to go along with the noobs if you want any chance of succeeding. I loathed those idiots who wouldn't party with me without a Herc. So, you know what I did? I…
Herc is, quite unfortunately, the easy way out. You WILL be expected to pretty much tank EVERYTHING, regardless of how stupid it is to have to tank it... Parties don't want to go to any real effort themselves, and if a Veno can sit there and do all the heavy lifting, that makes things so much easier for everyone else. I…
I don't have a spark to keep going. I haven't played in 2 weeks. I only troll the forums because I want to see how they're **** my friends who do play. Best decision I ever made, IMO, was dropping Perfect World. You'd be surprised how much stress is out of my life, now that I stopped playing PW. I mean, yeah, I know it's a…
Actually, no. It's gotten to the point where even Venos can't survive this game anymore. 100 million coin Hercs, and no real way to make money, have shafted every incoming Veno in this game. Only the old Venos who could afford their Hercs back in the day are the ones that can survive now, and even now it's a struggle for…
It's already started. It started when the Anny packs first came out. It was a trickle then, a few people leaving a bit at a time, but the trickle is slowly turning into a downpour. Sale after sale after sale, or in recent developments, sale WITH sale WITH sale, while not keeping the game in a functional manner, has really…
It's a shame, is what it is. I enjoyed this game well enough to roll multiple alts that I fully intended on playing to endgame. I even rolled a Veno on Harshlands I spent money on so she could have the necessary room for the pets I'd need. Of course, they quickly followed that up with one of their "Pay money for levels"…
Yeah. Seriously. What happened to our 30 silver sales? This stupid sale isn't even worth it... Let alone the fact that they've triple layered the damn things for us. Hyper, Tiger, and Pet packs? It's like a big glowing neon sign... GIVE US YOUR MONEY PERFECT WORLD PLAYERS!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH!!!!!!!! *cough* That being…
No. PW is not one of the best "Free" MMOs out there, because it's not "Free" at all. Personally, I'm sick of it. How many sales do we have running right now? Three at once, and one of those being those God damned packs? Hell, I've actually been looking forward to a Pet pack sale for a while, so I could actually afford to…
I've still got my old 3*... My favorite weapon in the game. It was a simple 39 Exorcision Pestle. I somehow managed to get 2 Mag+4 adds. I even took the little pile of mirages I'd managed to get my hands on, and refined that thing to +2. Due to my... *cough* interesting build at that time, before I bought my restat…
Honestly, I'd go the +15 Mag. It's what I have equipped on my Veno ATM, and I love it. You don't really need the + MP regen tome, HOWEVER, you might consider a + HP regen tome, as most Venos don't really have any HP regen to speak of.
QFT. So much damned truth... I remember when I first started playing. I remember the fun, the glory, the sheer AWESOME of this game. I remember when the coolest Veno mount in the air was an Israfel, and I was still flying around on my dopey manta. I remember the days in which a green weapon was something to be respected...…
Hmmmm... There's been rumors of some funky expansions, but no official announcement or said funkyness... So is this a fixer upper patch, or are you guys putting in something we know nothing about? This intrigues me... *strokes beard thoughtfully*
Seriously... I got bored earlier, and put it into first person. Since I always use Plume Shot on everything... I can't unsee it at this point.
Isn't topic the lack of maintenance, and what we're going to be doing in such a case, anyway? :P I've been cleric grinding all day... I've got Plume Shots coming out my eyes. I need a break.
Run Coward!
Man... Now I want to play Defender and Sinistar.
*looks up from a pinball machine* Eh?
Good choices, but I'll see yours, and raise you a Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, and Conker's Bad Fur Day.
*Boots up Secret of Mana. **** to the yeah!
It's not just PWE, honestly. ALL gaming has gone down the easy road of no return. Remember those days we had limited continues, and your hours of work could disappear in a single bad jump? THOSE were games. When the only places to save were inns, or if you were smart, tents, which you could only use on a world map, none of…
I honestly doubt it. I'm playing Alts for my amusement. I've found learning the various classes, and how to play them, more fun than playing my main and getting the usual BS in instances. I've stopped doing my BHes, WQ, and CS. If I'm online on my Main, I'm usually alone in one of 5 places. Heaven/Hell, Both FB89s…
I leveled to 85 the old way. No BH, no MQ, no Hyper, no Frost. And yes, that means NO frost. Not pre-Hyper frost, I mean I didn't even use post-revamp frost. Now? Yes. I Hyper. Not too extreme, just when I have certain goals I want to hit ASAP. Like being stuck at 88 for a dog's age... That sucked balls. Now? I'm currently…
I hear you there. It infuriates me to no end when idiots don't listen to my advice on things I can solo... One of my most memorable is a TT run... 1-2. Piece of cake. I've got that down to an art. Takes me an hour a run alone. I end up with a complete group of noobs who don't pay a damn bit of attention to what I'm saying…
Razor feathers, if I recall, is also phys damage. Either way, I completely agree. On a boss like that... **** attacking. Just buff the party's DPS and have a sandwich.
Holy Path and sprint powders... My Cleric and Wizard's constant friends.
I agree. Of all the classes in this game, a cleric is most reliant on a squad to accomplish things, simply by the nature of their class. Unless they try to solo everything, it all comes down to the playing skill of those you are healing. If your healees suck, then the run will fail, and you could be the best cleric in the…
Actually, Mages SHOULD give Venos Frostblade, since some Venos use Fox. Personally, on nasty physical AoE bosses, I prefer to be under the boss at all times, using my Fox attacks, which are physical, so that I can Leech my HP back, and Amp, without having to switch back to caster, and make myself more vulnerable. And as…
I've tanked the first boss. I'll tank that boss 9001 more times than I would Adawolf... And that time, I tanked him sans cleric... Don't get me wrong, I CAN tank everything but Fragrance... But **** Adawolf. **** him hard. He always ends up casting Super Mighty right after I triple Spark, or something. So it's always…
<No nix. Ask the pile of bodies how good I am at PK. b:chuckle
Actually... His name was a bunch of gibberish, starting with lil.