Ihayami - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Yes magic is useless for archers except it gives mana regeneration and mana points. But I really see no need to raise magic at all. Just as Nevermore says, 4 dex and 1 str each lv. You can do 1 st 1 vit and 3 dex per lvl but your damage would be be definitly lower than the pure dex build.
  • Where do I get the fb19 quest?
  • Let's say a pure archer has no HP Shards on their armor, will they be able to survive? If not, does it mean that you have to be loaded in order to play a pure?
  • Name: iHayami Level: 18 (Rising quickly) Class: Archer iHayami is a kind girl who often is refered as an angel. Well maybe not exactly like an angel, but sorta. Her pure dex allows her to take down enemies in a second (well maybe a bit exaggerated). Recently, she has been seen dying from monsters while she was afk =/…
  • You get chi my hitting enemy units if I'm not wrong. Chi is the yellow bar where your name appears right below your experience bar. And I suggest you learn Take Aim as it can be useful for later levels.
  • Well yeah I noticed that Winged Shell heals fair amount of mana. However, it requires 45 chi and I generally need to save up chi for Frost Arrow =/