I'd stop using Twin Strike if I were you...It's about to become extremely useless and costly.
Plume shell, Heals...Buffs...Escape methods all need MP...I'd say MP can very much save you from dying if you're certain classes XD But HP is more noticable.
Good news is I got all mine down for now...Then Shardyn goes and reminds me that there's even more skills coming XD
So are the cards worth anything? I managed to find one.
Snowman were amazing enough for me...No complaints here :D
You get a massive buff at 29...It's almost overkill if you want to spam mana pots. I actually kill stuff accidentally now XD Still squishy though! I still haven't gotten used to all my hot keys yet...
I won't let myself buy more arrows now that I've run out...I already can't stop chasing them with my orb if they are anywhere nearby while I'm in town XD Then I got arrow drops while questing... <.<....>.>...
"None and will never kill one as long as I live" There a story behind your snowman pacifism? :D Ooo start it with..."It was a dark and story night..."
I thought it was a good question...They may not have known the damage potentials of all our skills to a T...The "You disgust me" remark is what bothers me...They just basically wanted to know how it stacks up to our other skills with or without the math I'm sure...I have a feeling they already knew how much it could depend…
Wow...That was one of the rudest responses to a decent quest I've ever seen ...:(
"He uses the 120 xp per kill to level a genie in hopes of getting a good one to whom he could feed the chi to at his level 120 is alright per kill =P" Smart man XD and it's on my 24 psychic so yes...120 is pretty good. I made one more new one but I'm raising it normally now instead of grinding snowman...Need a break and it…
Yeah I bought 1k arrows with my bow when I started and used them all up plus the ones I orb to death with my psychic XD
I havn't even logged in to check what Anni packs give out...Someone care to fill me in?
I think we need a Christmasy group hug :3 *opens my arms wide*
People that actually pay for this game may have a slight right to be upset about certain aspects of the game changing...People like me that don't yet might want to try to enjoy the freeness XD As stated...If PWI doesn't get the money they need...Bye bye PWI or frequent updates.
Eh a ruined economy is better then no economy and it usually fixes itself...eventually >.> I don't dabble in that stuff yet so it doesn't effect me yet anywho. If it really is horrible I could see why some people might be upset but the forum spam seems too over the top to be rational XD
I'll laugh if they release the Christmas event now and say it was just a joke...Complainers will feel pretty silly. I'd also laugh if there really was no event whatsoever and the whiners end up with nothing like they deserve...I win either way...I love Christmas. See...I just found a gift myself for Christmas...Thanks PWI…
Maybe Tideborns being released could be considered a Christmas gift... >.> Gosh if you people don't expect anything, you won't be dissapointed and can enjoy what you are given. XD "Only an entire new expansion for Christmas? Omg I want snowmen too" :P Just poking a bit of fun at the idea...I can see why it might make you…
I wouldn't lead with Deep Sting...Then he's just sitting there taking no damage or you break the sleep with another skill or attack...Kinda a waste in my opinion...If you bleed them first they'll continue taking bleed damage during their sleep status...Ftw. That and Twin Strike is proven to be pretty weak... A well used…
I lose my pants randomly in the water...I just assumed my character was kinky.
One thing nobody can argue is that all the older classes have a heckuva lot more experience and knowledge base backing them vs the two new classes...Regardless of how well anyone thinks they know their Assassin/Psychic...They've only been out a week compared to the years the other classes have been out...Let's give the new…
I don't have trouble with using life powders at all...I can kill maybe 5-10 mobs depending before I need to just pause for 10 seconds or so to get out of combo and fully heal. I'm full Dex and my mob killing method is: Run up manually, Puncture, Slipstream, Basic attack the rest down. I add in the sleep after SlipStream if…
Lucky Arktone >.> (Not really "lucky" since you leveled to it XD) I can't wait for Maze Steps.
I think you should have titled this "What I'd like changed about Assassins" >.> Unless something is completely broken or obviously working as unintended...It doesn't need to be fixed in my opinion XD
Thanks ^.^ I love getting a heads up on what skills I should look into or avoid...Math info is great for that. Taking time out of your life to try to put info out there for players is a great service to our class XD Whether or not I agree with every inch of it doesn't matter (Even though I do agree with most of it…
I keep checking back here in hopes of...I don't know...An updated Assassin guide? XD Instead I get argueing and offtopic discusion... Come on guys...Pull together for the good of all aspiring Assassins out there.
The skill lag is slightly more a problem for Assassins because we're squishier then BM's or Tigers...If their skills lag you might take a tiny bit more damage but if an Assassins skills lag it could take off an 8th or so of our health more then it would have. So it does effect us more then other melee classes in my…
Wasn't asking for a guide...Just wanted to know what people thought of it personally but thanks anywho XD Guess I got both.
Everyone keeps saying Extreme Poison but... Subsea Strike Level 1 Range 4.5 Meters Mana 165.2 Channel 0.3 seconds Cast 1.3 seconds Cooldown 30.0 seconds Weapon Daggers Requisite Cultivation Transcendent Instantly strikes all nearby targets. Deals base physical damage plus - to all targets within 8 meters. Increases all…