That be basically what Territory Wars be... except instead of capturing a flag you be sent to smash a crystal. o.o'
Solutions: 1. NPC the mount 2. Acquire a account transfer stone. b:bye
o.o' Your siggy be speaking to you right now. "Lolpwned" b:surrender
0.0001332% o.o' Probably because of one of me current projects.
lol your highest be level 21? Tis true that level doesn't matter on the forum. But it be rather difficult to experience the actual game when you has only played for like....4 hours? Which also makes your complaints less valid as you don't even play so why do you even care about the game currently? x.x' Humans like you ruin…
Because me post count be......NOT QUITE OVER NINE THOUSAND~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD
BB during mob pulls and standard healing for bosses. o.o' Run around a bit during the spinning wolfy boss. Rely on wiz and/or psy and/or genie to keep you alive during the shocktrooper boss. BB when last boss grows big.
*checks justin23l's profile, sees main listed as level 20 BM.* O.O We has proof!
^eats kryptonite.
(O.o)' it has....begun! =O
b:shocked who told you me ebil disguise? b:avoid
waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh me feel your pain. b:sad me feel so unwanted nows. b:cry
b:puzzledb:worried too rigged. xD b:avoid lols we might see it in the cash shop soon~! xD
ya they should really put in a timer on when buffs are going to run out. it would be really helpful. (>.<)
It be a rorschach test? lols
b:sweat lately me has been getting requests BH29/39/51 on me wizard... D: b:cold now that me rolled a cleric alt me expect to be bombarded with res request. me hamtastic solution? leave them dead unless me happen to be passing over then. xD b:chuckle and why the heck are there sooooo many lowlevel clerics running…
it's a rebirth. (O.o) anyone know what an arcane wizard should have for rebirth beta? b:shocked Hp/p def/ mayhaps DB level? (mine is level 8 is that good enough?) (>.<)'
<--- restatting to teh epic build. lols~! b:cute dang Alucinogeno is right! all you need is fashion to protect yourself! who needs armor anyway. MUHAHAHAHA
PvP? whats that? (O.o) Precious voluminous pie? XD lols but if you can cast teh magic then the fist cleric would be funny. lols!
YES! teh developers made heavy armor armed with axes, hammers, and polearms the best! b:chuckle why else would they give us heal + stone barrier + frost blade. b:shocked lols~!!
Me can see your technological knowledge is sorely inept. (>.<) I mean eek? remapping the keyboard on a laptops works just fine.
but~ but~ you is not a barbarian. b:shocked (>.<)
Be careful alot of earth monsters are confoosing since there are some that shoot rocks that do physical damage and others that shoot earth damage. Only way to tell the difference is to get your earth barrier up and run some damage tests. Take samples before and after you buff up with earth barrier. b:sad Others are more…
b:sad Me didn't kill jewelscalen until level 63...And I still haven't killed viriddis. (and I'm 67) D: b:cry lol woot for Bowlingbob every time I die me gain more noob power. ^(o.o)^ woot~! b:victory <--oops meant to post on me wizard. DX MagicHamsta level 67 full magic robe hamster wizard in a PvP server. O.o
Grab yourself a decent book and read in the in between times. or watch T.V or grab a quick snack. or call a friend. or check facebook/myspace/PWI forums quickly. (only thing that doesn't work so well is doing homework while meditating. D: the boredom somehow counteracts the will to do school work.) (>.<)' Thats what me do.…
Wuts a "warsong" is that like a song you play when you fight? Like Iron man? b:shocked or BATTLE MUSIC by Ludwig van Beethoven? b:chuckle and bad nigrosity at the double post. also me has no idea. We just have to wait for like a level 90+ who happens to know and is collecting it.
whut? then whats the whole pont of carrying GS? and lol dang I just realized how much risk I put myself the last time I went red. Holy sheet %50 to drop an equipped item? b:shocked The BH party i was in killed me 3 times for fun and I dropped nothing. Must be me noob power. (>.<)' b:bye (I went red for a goood reason: a…
Thats right! Epic Necro Quote FTW~!! NEVAH Me will change this wacked out messed up mindset!! Although hmm underpayed? I thought they get 2nd pick during TT runs. b:shocked Underappreciated? heck try ressing yourself then call me in about 8 hours from now. b:laugh
fixed it for you. I was level 65 before I got my HH60 weapon. Before the HH60 weapon I was using a level 48 weapon I got from the jewelscalen quest. b:cry HH60 doubled my weapons damage. xD And yes you will be fine (I'm a full Mag robe wearing wizard in a PvP server) And the level 48 weapon served me just fine. b:victory…