I know for a fact that you cash shop so you don't get a say in this.
I feel bad for Trawne, He has to type the same thing on every other thread in this forum xD. You should just save the combo on a notepad and get ready to Copy and paste b:chuckle
How come when I went to pick up the prize from the mailbox, I got nothing?
<<Back a page. Good.Fight.
You want to have Shadow Walk and Cat like tread maxed out. Raving Slash is not necessary, in fact its useless. Puncture wound and slipstream is good but I would only add if you have extra spirit points.
Then go and play when you get back.
Why are you posting the same topic in every class forum? Is it really necessary.
If you can't open it, do this: Open up Computer > CDrive >Perfect World Int. Folder > Element Folder > ElementClient This is of course if you waited for the patch to be finished and made sure that you have not opened it before and not quit out properly. Take a look at bottom right system tray, and show the hidden icons and…
Its not cheating, just an unfair advantage.
Bramble Rage would be nice. Cloud eruption for chi.
interesting, how is it at higher levels though? I heard sins are useless in some dungeons.
Bought 20 boxes. They gives oracle X in 3s, Oracle II in 6s, Orace VI in 4s, Mirages in 15s and Advanced Mystical Pages. After 20 boxes, I thought I would get something ><'' .
Thats what I dont understand, it is fully repaired, it costs 10k to get the mirage, I have the money, and where it says required level, there is no number indicating what level I need. I do understand that I have to taking the equipment to the corresponding manufacturers.
Ran through a few FB51s , Our barb got 2 Molds.
Hope it doesnt fail like the other guides on the forums. *cough* 1-30 guides*cough*
Ripped Banner, GOW skin, GOW pip amuses me.
Apparantly QQing is crying because it looks like eyeballs with tears coming out. Spark is a skill you obtain around level 30, Once you get to level 59 you obtain double spark and at level 89 or so you obtain triple spark.
I used Oracle II to 60 ;D.
Try talking to the Elder at Arch, he is the one that gives out the quests for lvl 4 manafacturing skills.
Too much encouragement there.
Take the time to use proper grammer and spelling if you're expecting help.
As a fellow Korean, i wish you luck in recruiting members :)