oh i see
picaxe from the merchants in i think the 2nd tab of the shop
yeah and it saddens me as this game is really fun its.... one of my fave mmos if it dies i dont even think i can go back to the malay ver or did they not put a ip block on it? if not then after this ver dies i will go back to that 1 see how its doing or if it died as well
oh glad you got the names all it said for me was fashion set being added to dq rewards thx for the names :)
theres a major dc problem on heavens tear as well every 20 mins i dc from the game and cant login or force login for at least 10 mins >.< may i ask if the gms even care if this game dies anymore? cause it seems like they dont care about their player base
in the email they sent me they said they are adding more items to the DQ rewards page including a new fashion set they didnt specify the name but they said theres a set going in no its not the same set as being logged in for 10 hours either
cant wait for the fashion items they said they were adding to rewards page in the email they sent me
i like this post alot b:dirty
seems as long as they make money they don't care who does what in the game
did a quick search and cant find any answers to what level venomancers can start soloing dungeons equal to their level
well sorry if i dunno what to search to get my answers as i never use search functions on forums thus dunno how to use them properly
i don't use cash shop at all and i still think this game is easy to lvl in o.o your assumptions are incorrect i just have alot of free time for this game XD and while you QQ im going in game to play XD
im sorry but i somewhat disagree with ya cause i have all the time in the world :P and as for my char lvl its easy to lvl up in this game
im gonna be making both an assassin and a psychic and whatever one i like best (within the first 10 lvls of course) i will make my main char and mail everything that isn't bound over to it from my old main as for gender its hard to decide lol i know im a male but female tide born are just awesome looking b:dirty i think…
hmm guess that means i can go back to bed now then...
tranz and barb arent to smart you may have to excuse them
liar :P lol
yeah thats true thats why i highly doubt that 9pm will be launch time XD @ azura
eh if it is 9 pm then that does suck but that server notice doesnt mention anything about the expansion being released with the maintenance so i doubt they will wait till 9 pm i expect it to be out by lunch at the latest XD
uhm they wouldn't update that late today if they said the release day was today i say wait it out a bit but 9pm isn't true that's for after its release to make sure everything is fine and fixed but then again maybe im wrong who knows XD
tranz thats maintenance not update the expansion wont be added in during maintenance the maintenance is for after its released to make sure all bugs and bad stuff is fixes >.<
lol kandi you cant expect it to be up within the first 10-15 mins its hard work putting a expansion up i say wait a hour or 2 for it to be up if it isnt up by then then just wait 12 hours XD
hmm waiting on release... and for the ppl who says in another 24 hours thats a lie its the 16th if we waited 24 hours it would be the 17th >.<
why cant they put the expansion in earlier? lol im to impatient
is the main site for rpgradiostorm down? i cant connect to it im currently tuning in thru the alt site but anyways cant tell you how much your music helps me thru all the grinding thanks and hope for the best of the station hopefuly it becomes one of the PWI main stations (their only station is US only and i cant tune into…
i hope everything gets sorted out and it all works out in the end
nice work so far i liked all the music i heard and well good job :P
the reason i asked is cause when i first played this (back when PWI was first released) the prices were 1 gold for bronze and 3 gold for silver and the gold charm wasnt even out yet then i quit for a bit and now im back (i quit cause i was testing many diff mmos and so far this one was the best i could play for free so i…
the sword is in fb 39 as far as i remember and you have to kill a monster for it (cant remember the monster its been nearly a year or 2 since i did the quest in malaysian servers)