I learned something a long time ago about ALL MMO's. Trust NO ONE as everyone only cares about them selfs and no one else. If they have to kill you to get what they need they well do so and not care what you lost. They well use you to get what they want then toss you like trash. I expect the players to scam, back stab,…
Shade that part made me laugh you are silly and funny
Sad to say but the ones saying that the players are the ones keeping the gold prices where it is are right. They are wrong in thinking the price well drop to 200k after the event with luck it might be 300k or a price in that range. The fact is greed on the selling of gold has set in nothing can be done about it as to…
Why would they fix the gold prices? Players that don't/can't get Zen for gold really don't add to there profits. The higher the gold prices the better for them as it forces the players that don't get Zen to do one of two things buy Zen or quit. This game is slowly getting to the point where it well be implossible to play…
Ok we get the Van Helsing look you can have the thongs and G string's all to your self.
a fool and his cash moment here? b:laugh and here I was thinking my other MMO's players was bad for this sort of thing eash. I'm going to sit in the shadows and watch to see how this one plays out more fun that way.
I'm all for this now how do we have to hold hostage to get it done? b:angry
Meh unless one of the new classes is a soloest I could care less what they do to the game balance. You people worry to much about things you have no idea how they are going to work or have yet to be shown to be true.
This would fall under the first rule of MMO's. No one cares about you they only care about them selves. Once you get use to that fact makes the soloing class's much more appealing.
I have to agree with the others in saying that BB shouldn't effect pets. Knowing when to have the pet out and when not to should be part of the things ALL veno's should know and frankly any pet replacing a "Tank" class is wrong and should never happen but then many people are lazy and rather take the easy way out instead…
Meh it was players like some in this thread that have tuned me off from wanting any thing to do with PVP I've played other games with full time PVP it was nothing but a irrtaning to get any thing done. You can keep your "Real PVP" I'm just glad all of you are on another sever then me means I never have to deal with you…