You average 1 kill per month in TW, I don't think they were counting on your support. On another note, paying 200k per sucker who will post the ss of them being killed by BeingHope.
He can't get on in the first place, it's all the cash shoppers' turns to get on first. b:bye
We all know she gets internet-around.
Lol saw one for 14m in the AH a while ago. Should've bought it and resold for 30 b:cry
There's a spiderweb on my door ]:
take veritas with you b:bye
Fixed after seeing his leveling pace vs BeingHope's.
sure Azula
If you manage to kill her with her bodyguards standing around she'll start crying how your Veno was stealthing on WC.
lol owned by profile system
come play eu-LoL
But he's a fish, he can ventilate through his gills instead of his lungs. Because Veritas is very literate and has such a great personality going psycho every now and then, lawl. All I gotta say is User CP, top-left on the forums when not in posting mode.
Is that kinda like using cancer as an excuse? Very insensitive to actually sick people. I can help you tho, I'm e-licensed to cure e-cancer. Hit me up anytime
y so mad? gold diggers will be gold diggers.
The truth is often funny, I agree
Sounds just like you, settling for something mediocre as "decent". I only roll with good people b:chuckle
Kind of like the people that associate themselves with you. You should join Eternity, 35+ I hear.
he just mad cus hope outleveled him
lol lower level than beinghope
I wasn't even in TW, GTFO. fyi I get more kills on Nuff than vice versa when we did TW ;p
Shoot first. Shoot again. Ask questions.
Noob would just PM officers in factions to pry out info
lolduels. /10char
Specify "people" xDarkFlames Perfect World International PvP Kill:1 All the time? wat
Get out before I report you for being on MonTrey's account. IF ANY GM IS READING HATERADE =/= MONTREYS OWNER.
You had all those religions in your sig earlier and you don't know what a Jehova's Witness is? go2school.
get out azula
Wrong. Only the top layer changes colour, the base remains white.
Have you even been on Dreamweaver? Theres tons of people with gear like that. Incidentally, that's the server he mentioned.