I guess I'm one of the odd barbs that like to use Devil Axes to grind with. The nice little 5% hp/mp back saves on pots and allows me to solo aoe more easily. I also see the point in zerking though to kill faster so less pots. Ehh o well - here is to being a strange barb thenb:surrender
I tanked a friends 79 when i was 67(2 clerics low-mid 70s), the only boss they didn't let me tank was brig and they had a herc do it. kinda wish they would let me try it b:surrender
I went gold legs, mold top, green wrists and helm and the rest reg gear with good bonuses. Seems to have worked for me quite well. I do switch btwn a random mag def and phy def belt and neck with added vit/hp
Hmmmm to think A HF, amped, tangle mired, extreme poision, devour, full debuffed, fully buffed tree arm b:dirtyb:victoryb:shocked That would be a sight. Sees a post down the line coming.b:surrender
can be used when aoe grinding when sunder on cool down... bestial rage with +6 mobs on you and invoke you get your 2 sparks back by the time you want to sunder again... Just a thoughtb:shocked
I am having the same issue. Also when ever I open my bag or a diff option this happens . . . Plz help.
Well, it would be useful for zhens if they happened as often as they used to. That's 4 human aoes (not including perd/arm) and 4 tiger form aoes to play with the mass of mobs you're pulling
If you look at the pick, there is no use of bloodbath and he is not high enough for misties. Would have had the same outcome facing an archer. Accuracy plays a big factor against high dex classes. So I bet this fight went miss miss miss miss hit miss miss hit . . . and the assassin wins. That's just my view on this.
Here is a thought, where is bloodbath? Who fights a high dex as a barb with out Bloodbath or the misty rings? Without the added accuracy on a barb, you are asking to lose to a high dex char.
Im having the same problem. . . I have verified all my files and redled the game and i get bug when ever i try and start the game. That or the start window just closes and the game doesnt start.
Apoth. is a must and its easy to lvl (just have to mine a lot of plants) I took the hard road and lvled all 3 skills (blacksmith, tailor and craftsman) I would do tailor first, since like what was said before, armor drops more often. then blacksmith for the more available selection of axes to you. I say craftsman if you…
you could try mighty swing(100% accurate, and hope for stun), then beastial onslaught, if that doesnt tick charm an easy perdition so finish the job if the 2 after the stun connect, shouldnt be too much of a problem. but this is all theory, would have to test it to see and have to have 2 sparks to start.
You think lvl 4 is fun. . . wait till lvl 6. You have to make 5 2 stars, and i heard lvl 8 skills are the same if not worse.
Hey pi, i know what you talking about, but i still doubt you can steal from someone that tries to hold aggro. You can try on me if you like. Side note, it is easy to steal aggro from "lazy barbs". Currently using calamities so after a double spark i throw about 3-4 +10k hits and occasionally the upper teens in the spark…
base stats are typically 1 dex 3 vit 6 str every 2 lvls
Its a different day in age. The youth has changed a lot in the past couple years. Hell I'm 23 and looking back at the teen years most people were not that bad. But I guess around the time I grew up there were less video games and cell phones where somewhat new. Just the age diff of 5-8yrs has shown a sad sight on the…
Like it was said before, wait for your lvl19 quest weapon. Between lvls30-50 you can easily make one for yourself. If you mine along with your quests and save mat drops, you can easily raise you blacksmithing skill to lvl 3 and make new weapons as needed. After 50 it gets a lil harder and you might have to ask someone else…
The zerk can happen multiple times in a row. . . but reg atleast 1 time every 10-15 hits (give or take). I like tanking with calamities. The bonus hp plus the extra damage helps out on the aggro side. I occasionally hit 10k+ in tiger form skilling on a boss which helps out in the aggro department. Side note, its hard to…
Add in a heavens flame for good measure ^^ and let the wiz crit to see what he does b:pleasedb:laugh
Here is one thing a lot of people are missing about the dex based assassin. Dex = Speed as well as accuracy. . . Assassin use the dex to increase their accuracy (crits and the speed to increase their attack power. . .) Just a thought . . .b:surrender
1st off i predict a lot of fail tideborns due to the dumb idea of oracling it up... they will have lil to no clue how to use their char and rarely get invited to squads cause of this. If I was to make a tideborn i would lvl it like i would any character so i can actually learn how to use it correctly and what all i can do…
hmmmm. . . Some ideas for a wish list: 1. JJ blessings 2. Temporary or permanent xmas fashion would be nice 3. 2 (mp and hp plat or gold charms) "non-tradable" 4. Didn't get to see the snowman event so that would be a nice touch 5. From the week of xmas to new years 2x everything (maybe even mined things) 6. A fun free…
The big question is are you using it to pk or just to survive as a tank? As a tank. Tree of protection, solid shield and possibly tangle mire (for the mobs that run), and a 4th to prefference. Not too sure on the pk genies other then solid shield and ToP for rebirths alpha male is a good aoe aggro when roar is in cool down
I have to disagree with your method. 1st off any barb that uses FR will pull aggro from another person. That's what fleshream does. A lvl 30 can come up to a mob that a lvl80 barb has and flesh ream it 1 time and get aggro fora moment. So trading hits and seeing who holds aggro that way will not work. The best way is to…
4: other tomes i.e vit +5 possibly as opposed to the mystical ones
Fail 100% accuaracy does not = aggro. Sure all lvl Flesh Ream have 100% hit chance, but the amount of aggro increases with every lvl of the skill. Plus even though the amount of bleed damage is not increased too much by lvling, your initial attack is still higher and the overall damage recieved over time is increased. What…
Im not sure about the roar reseting the aggro skills... when i tanked polearm at lvl 78 with 2 lvl 87 archers and a lvl 87wiz and 86 veno i didnt lose aggro spamming FR Devour AND Roar when i could... (and mid way wiz crit 36k, so not sure if using roar mid way resets) lvl of skills atm 10 FR 9 dev 9 roar 1st hits to take…
Tiger lvl3 and king lvl10 149vit at lvl 78 with only 3 ave shards for health = 9k Been saving up flawless for gold 80 so will jump an extra 20-24 vit as well as a flawless citrine in each slot...b:dirty
I know how you feel, only 8.9k hp buffed at lvl 78. only 3 ave shards. Saving my shards for my 80 gear. and restocking shards for 90 along the way...b:surrender
For stats I would go the route of 4 vit 5 str and 1 dex every 2 lvls, occasionally throughing in an extra str. Take in account that gear does add stat points at times and you might go down in stat points when replacing gear. If you did make the mistake and added to much to dex, don't worry to much. Just add to str and vit…