its a quest at agent , takes 2steps (like making fb wine)
and the chip cost is more then cube necklaceb:laugh
no money > sage some money > demon unlimited money > sage that is all
b:dirtyea r tastyb:shutup
am i one too b:cry
no munniesb:surrender
scarlet fruits to 3x / 4x , from there kill pirates with +'ed weapons until he wear his warsoul+12b:dirty with full buffs / red / blue bubble at all times and a squad of rank8/g16 guarding spotb:shocked
too bad for hh100 weapons , they go straight into 2nd recast b:shutup
1st - Yes , but imo it will be changed in future 2nd- Yes , but in the case of wand its damage is 13xx - 13xx
IN BEFORE QQ just to clear things up about 白巫咒 Skill Description increase def lvl(49+5*Skill lvl) , decrease atk lvl(33+3.3*Skill lvl) , last 60second. u can only activate either黑巫咒 or 白巫咒. its not -99% dmg taken , only 54% , also damage dealt is 34% less now go QQ about assasin evading damage from skills.yes MAGIC attacks…
pw is not going to give up on a chance to earn more money thus one of the mats req to bring over refine over is ... the refine transfer stone b:avoid