No one cares.
Ive since quit but i might make a comeback if i can get my hands on a decent laptop
Worst Leader Ever trolololololololo
This isnt even a contest
i cant see you o.O
Archer - DaKillanator Assassin - DaKillanator Barb - DaKillanator Cleric - DaKillanator Veno - DaKillanator Blademaster - DaKillanator Wizard - Spell_Caster Psychic - DaKillanator Mystic - DaKillanator Seeker - DaKillanator
No wai they can take valk.
I've been figured out b:cry
^^and my ticket was answered with a resounding yes. i hope you all get your accounts back soon because waiting so long is awful.
Being named Seeker Warrior Poet b:laugh
i dont even...
Based off that response ima go with you're just stupid b:cute
Have you totally ignored Deci vs Levi 3 hour TW's or are you just stupid?
If Deci not attacking QQme OR Levi for the past 2 weeks means were on our Knee's for QQme, then Vertu must be giving Vicious a major bj.
I'm from Deci ty b:cute Hey if you guys like losing land each week more power to you.
Or the more logical reason that they are scared of Levi or really are a Vicious puppet.
Trying to change subject much? I still dont see a reason why Vertu should attack QQme over Levi.
i know im 103 but u dont see me shaming others for being 105. lrn2troll
You're shaming them about being 105 when you're 103? Nice bro.
Or maybe you're just mad because i stated facts and its true Vertu is afraid of Levi?
Then what is your reason to attack QQme? You obviously cant take them 1v1 and this weekend just proved u cant even win in a 3-way gank. Sounds like you're afraid of Leviathan to me.
Funny how u say QQme is being afraid to attack Vicious because they cant win(lolwut?) and practically trying to shame them into attacking them again instead of **** Vertu when u said this in the other thread. You sir are a hypocrite.
...And i thought i was being to obvious b:sweat
I wonder who this is also. O_O
Depends if Levi bids on Deci cuz Migs will prob forget to bid b:cry
Nothing, get out!
Yea, totally not a necro.