dude, i 8x hyper at 23 (*facepalm*), i only got 4 levels in an hour. If you say i can get to 50 with a 12x, then what mob :O. and i wanna fight yer cleric
Zane girl.
4 slot: ToP, tangling mire, poison, cloud eruption 5 slot: top, mire, poison, cloud, bramble rage 6 slot: top, mire, poison, cloud, bramble rage, TE 7 slot: top, mire, poison, cloud, bramble rage, TE, holy path, 8 slot: top, mire, poison, cloud, bramble rage, TE, holy path, Absolute Domain also get a seperate genie if you…
no your not, sins just outdamage you at that level. when your 89, no sin will take aggro from you. Except a sin with +12 warsoul drakeflamed.
because there is only 1 thing good about it. tt90 zerk sword, Myriad Sword Stance Zerk crit + tangling mire + frenzy + poison. Shall be quit nice. Do all that except with the 100 skill flash when someone +10's their armor and vit stones their armor.
dude, vit bms suck ****
well, why dont you just demon spark if your demon lol
aoe kill with heavens flame + bramble rage.
I bet this magic pimp dude can beat assasintime.
That's why i quit this archer, sold my gear, and gave the cash to my BM, i don't like only losing to sins, no matter how great my win to lose ratio in dueling is. If i keep losing to sins, then i will lose way more that i ever won.
I like tangling mire + fist + cyclone heal effect. Tangling Mire, increases your damage/reduce physical def, Fist have high DPS, cyclone heel makes more DPS. Or, if you are an axe bm, Tangling mire is the way to go. I have a level 30 bm and i've already hit 3.2k crits before with a 1 spark Drake Bash.
HT is weak, been there, i would know.
QQ, ty anyways.
If sins are *the best*, then they should be able to beat any class, which they can't.
Archers kinda suck until 60, without the anti stun. But at endgame, Archers are pretty much 50-50 in 1vs1 duel or pk. All classes endgame are very much improved, when archers demon/sage skills are not that great, except a few. Like Demon Quickshot, Demon Stun arrow, sage sharp tooth, sage wingspan...
neither, Jade of Steady Defense costs just as much as vit stones, but better.
If you give me that, i can help you kill Kun Kun, The level 100 reindeer.
Regi: Nef: You will lol at the nef one. EDIT: WTF 203 mil views
rap/hip-hop Is The Absolute Best Music On This Planet!!!!! That's Why Lil' Wayne Is Richer Then Any Rockstar On This Planet, People Actually Buy His Music
****, pictures to big.
Not to point out the obvious, but Why are there so many asians playing this game? O.O Like me :) And weird how i have a girl toon?
I fly, so damage is reduced. immobalize them, fly down and nuke.
Talking to me, or you?b:chuckle
My opinion is the Demon Cleric. I think they are good, because you can grind forever when demon. You will never run out of Hp or Mp. You won't ever need to go to town unless your inventory is full or your need repairs. Demon Ironheart is Win.
Neodaystar, pretty smart.If 220k spirit is 250k, that is pretty much converting cash into spirit. How much are the badges each, and where do i get them? Do people sell a lot around west arch?
Astrelle, what do we do with the rest of hyper time?
1 without **** music?
Is someone butt hurt? Never thought i would see an Assassin complain about Stealth. I've been QQ'ing about Stealth since January, i think it's your turn. And, Most people are demons now, so they can't lose something when sage spark is activated.
- Listen to this s you are a true laker fan.