"well, these are some great ideas, looks like we'll have to push back expansion launch date a month or three to implement these." i could care less about the game anymore, but IJS.
sorry to bring biology into this, but a VERY reasonable explanation for all the races being so humanoid and alike can be explained by Darwin's theory of co-evolution. or something like that, took it last year >.> if THE successful way for an organism to survive and prosper is to grow a pair of legs strong enough to support…
unfortunately, today's CASHOPTASTIC standard for a "powerful" pet is a nix/herc.* *sad but true.
chances are, its gonna be released on 2012. Disclaimer: Corn is neither superstitious nor beleiving in the phenomena that is 2012.
WHAT?! i dont want them to change my model....! b:sad
yeah. there is NO way to transer ANYTHING cross-server.
yeah. especially those quests that u don't intend to do and when you delete them off ur quest list, they remain on the find quest list. especially whn hardly anyone does quests at this day and age of hypers. taking up space >.>
nope. seriously though, there isnt.
no runescrape plz tyvm.
LOLOLOL i did not notice that lol. oh, and i fixed ur post a little
@title: "Playing with the PVP Rules" my response: pvp rules? what be them "rules" you says o.o? on topic: well, we have 1)dead Zulu fac members, and 2)a couple of carebears on the last picture. unless you're calling out on those Zulu guys and calling them carebears...... there IS NO difference to "spot" between the…
wow that's like bunny hopping in an FPS to make it harder for the shooter to hit you lol
A nix doesn't stand a chance against today's top-tier cash shopper, IJS. So not much QQ, actually.
i understand not on schooldays but what about weekdays O.o and you spend enough time on forums, u can use that time to play
good thing it isn't about playing by urself then, because u have friends in a faction to socialize with. you do have friends don't you...? o.o
auuuugh.... leave him alone... -__-' he's only 13... maybe not even in high school. half the people playing this game are more than twice his age >.> i KNOW hes annoying, i KNOW you cant stand him, but teaming up on a 13-year old is almost like child abuse, ijs lol. Disclaimer: Corn is neither 13 years old* nor is he…
tt60, if you can go on runs or afford the mats. its important that you start using tt weapons now, because future tt weapons will require your previous tt weapon to make back in my day, i chose a polehammer that had zerk over tt60. then later, instead of tt70, i used calamity axes of blood, until lvl90(now). not UNTIL now…
welcome home, freshie DUDE thats my pet peeve #36.1! Corn's Pet Peeves #36 - Assorted -36.1 - Fanboys/girls-36.11 - Anime fanboys/girls(especially) -36.12 - Videogames fanboys/girls -36.2 - Little kids -36.21 - High School Freshmen -36.22 - Kids on the internet -36.221 - Kids on the internet with MICROPHONES -36.2211…
to be honest, i don't really hate demon_ea nor yulk. i have nothing against yulk. but i have to say i like demon_ea :P no matter how annoying he can get...
lol what "presence?" he sorta stopped showing up in the forums as often these days. if someone's "presence" actually makes an impact on this forum, its a certain hamster's... -.-
gg? does this mean demon_ea wins lol
well SOMEONE's opened one too many hamster packs b:chuckle
*raises hand* FIRST to realize that yulk had just gotten banned. wtf...? o.o'
DAYUM, demon_ea is a freshmen?!
lol i am flattered this is the first time i have ever released a portion of it into the forums. to be honest, the list goes oooooooooooooon and i'm not the kind of person to dedicate my time to something like this lol. i think i'll actually do it now, however. and if you MUST know, it started one lazy afternoon when the…
they're both pve capable; barbarians are definitely credit to team, although these days they are losing their tanking job to claw bm's at endgame. bms are good in pve because they have many aoes that make them a desirable member of a zhenning squad. they are both group dependant in the above situations, but a bm with a…
for once, i am on your side, qqarrow.
fixed... >.>