bwahaha arc u is ****ed up. Logging in my account no probs. Starting game: incorrect login. Dafuq b:angry
Awefull ****storm again. Does not even appear in patchnotes. So dafuq pwi what the hell did you smoke?! just glad I dont have any gold, otherwise u had me tricked wasting it on **** I dont need.
the arcsdk.dll you need to remove before every use (well v779 you had to), editing stringtab didnt changed even trough this current update (v783) And butt-heads like me, won't be missing such inactive cryiing baby, if you play else why even bother? b:cuteDQ still works lol. why would a newbie get alot free stuff, thy didnt…
You get blessing FOR ALL running servers. But with arc some chars cannot get blessing. @Beneno...if after 5yrs you still just 95, y do you even complain?b:pleased b2t: yes its annoying that gms on forums keeps closing all other topics, while ingame there aint any gms anymore. however for now (I even recaped Thunders…
Goto patcher directory on your pc and check the stringtab.file. Any past line 170 is forcing you to get arc, which means: Simply delete lines 171ff or copy stringtab from launcher to patcher directory. CAUTION: IT ONLY WORKS UNTIL GAME VERSION 779 b:shocked 780v might ignore the stringtab and force you to arc again. But as…
camping ws won't help. It can be calculated....*could....since most get/have r9 anyways pwi must benefit those. It harms us nv-ppl but thats how game changes now. But I'd recommend just to stick to nv gear, since r10 was announced and already launched in PW CN. You should (unless its bound) ask your wsfellas or guildies…
well as it seems SeaAnna, the 'old section' known as CoreConnect was the alpha version of arc, which currently runs as beta. but Rawynn yes many myths about that weird arc thing, this very one I never heard ^^ But don't expect any answers from staff/gms. We currently all wait on answers, many tickets which been send in…
Unfortunate it's an easy one. Go to select your blessing. Yes its as simple as that. I would refuse arc until it would really improve gaming/gaming quality. Due to their what-so-called "will send you to arc". Add ABP to your browser and block the redirect. Yes, its as simple as that.…
Sorta. For the next launch yes, but not in perma. Best solution seems if you copy the stringtab from launcher into patcher and replace the stringtabin patcher. (last lines "force" you to load arc) Tho stringtab only forced to dl, but NOT to run arc it somehow will stop arc from executing b:victory (read what sevchenko…
Dang lol ty Sevchenko. Was searching for the fckd up stringtab in element not in patcher b:chuckle For now I just found 1option. Goto launcher and delete it can't run and can't force you to log in arc er dang time...problems in hand: arcsdk.dll reappear (due to stringtab)...and now you must go by launcher…
Thing is they don't want testers, so they don't have to reward em. Like back in 2009: The person that reports most game/quest/stuff-issues and helps the most the improve the game will receive a reward. Only the purest will get some pixels yeay. Instead of to hire just some ppl to search for mistakes. And lately they didn't…
b:chuckle I love this new arc thing. Heard alot about ppl getting ban for logging without arc. SO GMs is that true? For me so far I just begin deleting arc and start pwi like old days. unistal arc will fail, but it wont be running. Much less lag now b:laugh I'll keep a note on line no177 for next time.