^Banned for eating fail^
^Banned for quoting^
^Banned for typing^
^Banned for banning for spamming about our spamming^
The game is way to far along to be able to implement falling damage now. However, spontaneous combustion would certainly add a bit of thrill and challenge.
I've just ignored the fact that they're called Genies and have been referring to them as Fairies from day one. It would however be more convenient to rename them Fairies. If only for me.
Banned for believing in normal people.
If i understand correctly; you want a plain image with your lil' gif embedded into it? Simple enough I suppose. I made a template real quick of what I think is what you're after. I don't have the time to make a real sig at the moment, but this should get you, or whom ever makes the sig, on the right path. You should be…