Lolz, btw cable you got **** on by copyright, no music= fail tw vid
i was pking a sin and he came out of stealth but couldnt kill me. Then he somehow glitched the game to go back in stealth while in a fight. wait what thats a real skill? WTF
the 2 barbs who helped cable with his culti are in zulusive. Btw this thread is stupid it will not change anything. I used to think this **** mattered and as annoying it is that Nemesis bid on darkside it really doesnt affect me on a large enough scale to post about it on forums. P.S: Nemesis wont disband
if you were able to actually get this everyone and their mother would have it
most are ignorant tbh. Thats how the game is lately people fail to see that lunar is about as good as TT99. For a full lunar set it is about the same price as TT99. Also lunar is lvl 13 unlike lvl 12 TT99. For rich players lunar is better for higher refines, TT99 is better for poor players (+15 vit set add and interval).…
liquiiii hurry up and lvl up narla needs some 85+ wiz to run delta with impulse is so far ahead b:cry
didnt know i was a good sin player, but that can be expected because i am awesome. b:victory
this wasnt a necro
*sin jump stuns you while your expel is off for 40 seconds, you die to interval* Sin: Sup bro
WTS> popcorn
nobody can prove it was anyone from nemesis, this is going to open alot of flame please close thread.
did your sin get banned?
i don't understand why this is a thread. I might not be pro troll and write 1 page on why im right, but if you don't like how elusive runs things go to nemesis. Ill cya in tw. b:bye
most exciting part of this tw vid was the music, and cable tower diving and dieing. He is a feeder.
i dnt have much trouble finding a squad. Just get your sage strength of titans buff. Just by having that most squads will take u for the 50% added phy damage or wateva. Plus most large factions are aware that they need rich cata barbs and will take you on TTs/Nirvana runs my experience anyway.
Ghost got the bow, im going to guess darksshade? you were at that fight where soochi dropped it. Nahktuul didnt open backs btw someone donated 10 mil they had got, we had to pay it back with our original tw pay.
Ill bite sir troll. We talk a lot but we back it up. You mad we better then you and rub it in your face?
remeber when narla defended a 3v1 attack on elusive, fatalis, and impulse. We sat and listened to you guys on World chat for those 5 minutes of shame. So, yes we were stuck up but i do not think its that bad. Also about proski's pic, proski is under alot of pressure to make elusive succeed and when he gets banned thats the…
1. Narla 2. Elusive 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Phoenix 10. The Rest Even though Elusive recently defeated narla in a tw it was because of a defensive, however narlas crystal was almost destroyed. However that is not enough to be number 1, Narla has been consitantly powerful since the start of the server, do not all jump on the…
thank you, guilds are on equal power at this point you quickly adapted to us and neither could get near each others crystal after the first hour. proski will be unbanned soon
mr. greenname can u fix the cashshop for some reason u can pay to win this game now, must be a glitch right? b:sad
How many times did Nahktuul say not to make deals with other factions? Is Narla at all what he left it as? Change the name to Impulse please.
Bun$ never thinks of herself any better then anyone else, buns farmed narlas IGs for hours at a time, before narla owned 1k, and busted her *** so we could have the vs. impulse. (if you ask me only reason narla managed to tie impulse the first time was because of IGs). Rob left it up to a vote during that officer meeting,…
what does meatbunz have to do with nahktuul, meat hasn't been a narla officer since you convinced the rest of the officers that he was money hungry and didnt deserve to be a narla officer
MEAT STOLE NARLA's MONEY it makes perfect sense the money gets stolen and a week later meats coming back. I bet all the money i stole out of narlas bank that he stole it.
u can get 48k i know with +10 vit stones and +12 armor not with pannzers build though she has 300 str i believe for her rank 8 hammer yes?
i understand that not all narla believe it is true but thats not why i posted that post. I Posted that to protect my friend who i believe is having his name ruined not only while he can't defend himself but im 98% sure he would never do something like that. Either way you have to realize your leadership represents your…