idk why they did it, but spending 5 gold to open a box to get a 7 dat weapon is beyond rip off.
thats cool. healing herb still needs a buff tho if it is to stay as a healing plant.
? idk, that AoE stealth skill sounded pretty good unless they changed it?
vital herb doesnt need evasion. considering how good it is it should be fragile in comparison to its counterpart which isnt as good. maybe a bit more HP for some survivability, but it doesnt need evasion. i honestly dont understand some of the mystics on these forums. why would you WANT to be a second rate cleric? id…
healing herb will def get either a buff or changed to something else. its useless the moment u get vital herb and its useless even before u get vital herb.
where the hell do you get off by saying the new skills suck and are useless? the fact of the matter is that its your OPINION and it was also my opinion that the new skills were very good for clerics, but you dont see it as your opinion. all you do is go around the forums butthurt as hell about the new skills and how weak…
because if all they had were healing skills then dumbasses will still QQ at the fact that clerics cant DD or kill anything. people will always QQ about something, and out of all classes in PWI clerics seem like the biggest QQers. what people seem to not understand is the balance of this skill. if clerics were able to heal…
not gonna lie, you just sound like a mad butthurt cleric.b:bye not going to even attempt to fully read ur entire wall of rage text. ive seen plenty of damn good clerics in my day that are very good DDs. these new skills will only make them even scarier. a free 60-100% extra in atk power is nothing to just brush aside sir.…
people do number 3 regardless of plvl or no plvl. its called QQing. so many EGs was on the virge of rage quitting because rank 9 wasnt coming out fast enough for them. i know a few that did rage quit and didnt come back till rank 9 was released. what was funny is some of them couldnt even afford it yet. :|
which is ban worthty on top of being extremely easy scam bait...... this is true only if your brand new to the game which i agree with. if ur brand spanking new to the game then ya, dont get plvled. but if u have a main and want to plvl ur alts or something then go for it. why put your alts through the same pain that your…
why spend 1 full week or 2 doing dailies just to get to lvl 50 when u can get from 40-70+ in a single day? thats my logic. ppl that FF shouldnt be judged or condemned as failures. there just saving time and not wasting it doing boring repetive daily quest that contributes to no kind of skill whatsoever, regardless of what…
why should it be more powerful then a 1 spark? its a free damn increase that stacks with ur other sparks and dmg increasements...................................................... if it was comparable to a 2 spark then it would be way overpowered. if you had the ability to heal on top of that then it would go beyond…
i dont like the roll they are giving mystics. its so sad. i love this class, i really do, but they are giving mystics the roll of a cleric/supporter which i cant get behind. there is a reason i never make clerics/healers/supporters in a game. i picked this class because of its focus on summoning/plants which was cool and…
dont worry, mystics fulfill ur healing roll while ur in dark mage mode. To be perfectly honest i think the clerics new skills and mystic new skills should be switched around (except for the 3rd eye stealth detection). it makes more sense.
why was it taken out in first place?
in a game i use to play (when the game was in its prime and not killed off by numerous updates and CS BS) there was a very unique bounty system for PKing that no other MMO had at the time. (this was back in like 2005-2006) the bounty system was basically this. you had a NPC called the bounty hunter. a player can go to this…
the clerics have damn good new skills to.
does it really matter? ALL of the new class skills are overpowered as hell.
why are ppl so stupid?
you are a ignorant fool if you think this class isnt a jack of all trades. stop blinding yourself to ignorant fanboyism over this class. also, lvl 96 isnt much to brag about these days brob:bye i suggest you look at the definition of what it means to be a jack of all trades then take a good hard look at mystic. mystic has…
its pretty easy and very herp derpa to say "my mystic out DD a sin and fist BM ez" without providing proof or factsb:bye just because u can out DD one fail sin with unupgraded gear in ur squad does not make it cold hard fact brohans. anyway back to my point. fact REMAINS the same. mystic has skills mainly leaned towards…
i loled says the fool on a faceless alt account *facepalm*. a sin with even slight APS (aka hooks and other aps gear) WILL out DPS a mystic. gtfo. you ****ing act as if there is no APS gear pre 100. what a tool. the only way a mystic will ever out DPS a sin is if the sin has 0 (ZERO) APS gear. which is usually pre hooks.
i loledb:chuckle mystics can out DPS a cleric at best, but a sin? no. even with the pets ability to ignore the defense on the "??" monsters u will never out DPS a sin. maybe if he has like no APS what so ever, but those levels do not matter.
all those skills sound like support/healing skills to me. thx for proving my point
godly for healing and to replace clerics ya.
mystics died wheneveryone found out there just a 2nd cleric. boring healing/support class and next expansion will make them even more leaned towards healing and support. such a disappointment for me at least.
either A) your a troll B) you are very very ignorant and you have no idea on what you are talking about or C) your both A and B. ima guess your option C. if ur gonna be atheist or if you are of a different religion that disagrees with another religion then fine, but ATLEAST be smart like most are and give more valid facts…
they said the same about **** too. ppl drool over new games purely because of the graphics+huge ****+nice ***** in trailers but fail to realize the gameplay is boring as all ****. also **** censorship and **** SOPA stupid ****ing ******* trying to censor my ****ing **** internet
if sun was going supernova or even capable of it, the earth would be a molten wasteland of fire, ash, and magma LONG before the sun explodes. this is before it is engulfed entirely by the enlargement of the sun of course. dont worry tho. you wont feel a thing. all living life forms would be incinerated instantly.
this game isnt close to dying...... theres a game called flyff where CS consumables give you +300 in pretty much all stats, 75% reduced pvp dmg, 100% atk leeching, a recent CS event that made every single piece of jewlery in the game useless, and etc, yet that game is STILL alive. the way the devs handle that game is the…