Ariensis - Lothranis Arc User


  • I've been searching the forums and there seems to be a lot of demand for an English European server, so I think we know that it would be aprreciated, but has there been an official announcement which I have overlooked about future servers? If there has then I can wait for it before spending my money. Shin - No not yet, I…
  • Certainly does not seem to be that under populated. At least the starter areas are a hive of activity compared to Harshlands. ShinSein - Will have to add you later, I'm at work at the moment. (Damm Early shifts...)
  • I belive that all information currently downloaded is stored in whatever location you asked it to download to. By exiting the downloader you will only be stopping the download rather than deleting what has already been downloaded. The download should resume from where it left off.
  • Try to end the process and then restart the downloader. It should start up OK then.
  • Rewards are only availiable from the 17/08/2011 20:01AM PDT (See Link) "This promotion will begin on August 17th at 12:01AM PDT and end on August 23rd at 11:59 PM PDT!" Edit: You've only got about 16mins to wait
  • Try "Right-Clicking" the taskbar and select "Task Manager" this will show all applications which are currently running. (Alternatively press ctrl-alt-delete to select the task manager) Find the downloader, and again "Right-Click" and select "Switch to"
  • Yes you can chose what reward you want (As long as you have enough reward points) < Check out this page. There is an option to "Select your Prize(s)"
  • Hold the phone. Resorted to buying a teleacoustic and got it sorted. Edit: Strange thing was that the assassin taking us through it was displayed as a blademaster in the squad menu icon.