Animositas - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Apology to Breal i tried to quote didnt work out as planned.
  • [/QUOTE]Gold caps are very very bad. There's currently a cap of 1 million, the only reason it doesn't cause problems is because gold doesn't reach that price. What happens when lower than market value gold caps are added to the game, isn't that everyone pays the same for gold. It's that everyone ends up with long wait…
  • Duely noted.. would of help to supply a link tho single replys arnt to easy to find but concider this an apology
  • I disagree with being able to choose what we buy it would be great ill give u that but if end game gear and all that stuff became easily available. wheres the fun? Im all for cheaper economy but that concept perhaps a lil to far. and buy a lil i mean a lot. we still need to work for our meals right?
  • ill reffer u to the post above yours.... People will always take the easier option if they can afford it.
  • Its an idea im sure many people have thought about. and scary thing is it makes sence. no mater the high or low prices people will buy gold to sell to make easy cash. lower the prices tho the more that will sell meaning the more that will be bought. more gold sale. happy players+good gold sales=$$$$$$$$$$ for the company.
  • The sale of gold for coin should be govererned. in the real world if a man has a basket of fruit in during a depression. and charges ten times what its worth to sell it. the law gets involved because Proffiteering is illeagal. if people really want the gms to help this situation. then i purpose a limit system on the sale…
  • well what prevoked this thread was i saw in world chat people flamming the gms so it unfortunantly does seem some people are blaming them. also a reply to the event being not needed to survive ur right. but keep in mind its supposed to be a reward for devoted players. again human greed comes into it
  • Exactly people see that gold is sought after and capitolise on it. GREED. they see that theres some dude who cant get gold from the boutique so he decides to profit on it and charge ludicris amounts for it. funny that in most countries Profiteering is actually illeagal....... Food for thought
  • im all to familiar with the needs of a player. this is a new account i have many character above 60+ so i know. plus i been playing these mmo rpgs on and off for years. so thanks for pointing out my lvl but i know what im on about.
  • Appreaciate the back up dude. some people can be ignorant easier to blame someone then take responsibility. sad if u think about it
  • The disscussion recently has been that this event has screwed economy up. well yeah it has but not because of the GMS or developers but basic HUMAN GREED. This is a free to play game the boutique keeps the money generated to further develope the game take it away this game dies or becomes subscription. you want the the…