I have this crazy feeling. I don't want to win because I feel the 5 levels will go to waste on me. If I won, I hope I can hold off the 5 levels until I'm 95 or something, when its really needed.
Ah Curses. Congrats to the Winners. I can definitely see that you deserved to win. I just hope future contests have the choice-of-any-flying-mount prize. (I still want those wings!)
I will have finished my video by this weekend. I'm so going to win :P And I don't mind if I come second or third. If I come first I'll be getting wings anyway :D Good luck everyone!
I have a question about this. If I work with my best friend (and partner in crime) and we get a place, do we BOTH get a flying mount of our choice? Or say, if we come first, does she get a riding mount of her choice and can I get a flying one? (I'm all for flying, I've had a polar bear and never used it, im getting flying…
Name of guild: Serenity Level of guild: 1 (So far ;p) Leader: Alyssea Weblink: None yet...
Yeah, Ima gonna join the new server. Start a faction, take some territories. See you all there :D
4/5 He looks awesome, but I don't like the hair much >.<
Wow, they look awesome! I would request one too, but I expect you're really quite busy. Just keep up the good work!
Very well, more hehe :D
- Taking a rest before an fb ^^ This is my new look. I much prefer it...Much much prefer it. It's a link because its such a big picture.
Good question, I'd love to have all the music on my iPod.
Here's my character, though I'm going to go for a total makeover, I'm not really liking her look:
Hey guys, I'm a pwitographer :D My favourite one: Taken from my favourite place in pwi - top of Dream weaver port's lighthouse, Sunrise.
Greetings people! My name is Alyssea, well not my real name, that's Alison. I'm an indefinate age, but I live in Perth, Australia. My unprofesional profession is Web/Graphics designer, as I love art :D I'm a cleric fanatic from way back too, and I love being able to fly.
Hey guys, I'm new to the forums, but here's some of my screenshots: 1 - I'm alllmost as tall as the tree :D 2 - Christmas theme in the tomb of heros? :O I play in widescreen but pwi saves the screenshots in non-widescreen, so scuse that ><