I don't pk lowbies, so I never get these messages..... I don't see the point in one-shotting some poor person just trying to get by. Sure, it'll increase my kill count and raise my e-peen, but there's no fun unless it's a fair fight. And if it's a fair fight, they usually don't complain....
Specially when the winky comes out. b:surrender
*cough* Try checking if the servers are plugged in. b:avoid
I want 5 aps gm claws. Solo harpy wraith in .2 seconds. b:sweat
Somebody charged too much gold and broke the servers. :(
Polish women like guys with less brains than them. It makes them easier to control. b:avoid I get along great with polish people. b:cry
Excluding all the other barbs on the server, I'm the best barb on the sever. b:cool b:sweat
Official visits are fun. It gives me something to do while your gone.
It's alright, I'll take her to the candy shop instead. b:avoid
Wow, he wanted to scam you by trading with you? No way! /facedesk
Harpy Wraith cheated. HP hax. QQ
TW, PVP, Farming, and Merching. If you don't do the farming and merching, you can't do the PvP and TW, since it seems like PWI is releasing OP gear every few months. Unless, of course, your idea of PvP and TW is being one-shot by any rank 9 that seems to be hanging around there.
Cross-server dating? b:beg
Somebody tripped on the power plug again. b:surrender
Aha, now we know who you're main really is. b:avoid
LC forums are embarrassing.........
I hope you're saying you got this stuff on a separate server and not on LC. Anyways, will all of you be playing your chosen class? Or perhaps changing? This might be a good time to check out the pvp capabilities of a r9 seeker, but I'm not sure if any of you would be taking that risk.
What I was wondering was if it was better going the defensive route or offensive. Going full DoT and with the correct buffs, I believe seekers can hit 120 atk levels. Add that with GoF and you've got some nice looking damage. And a GoF crit?.... On the other hand, not much can get through 140 defense levels easily....
I wonder if there'll be a list of gear the finalists can choose, as well as their current gear.
I just typed in random letters for name of my alts. b:surrender
The chance of acquiring one is probably a lot less than the chance of getting a SoT from packs, so I'de guess 300+. I'm just not sure if there is any demand for them on your server.
Assassin is, obviously.
hax u was rob! sue the game for $! no law stupid hax unfair gms mods fight the power barney ate the children!
Just level both to 60 and pick the one you like more. b:sweat
This thread makes me want to make a caster.
Mystified at the mystical ways of the mystic? Find your answers here. I'm really bad at this. b:sweat
Seeking to learn what seekers are seeking? Step in here to find out. b:sweat
So why doesn't he reroll LC? b:sweat
You are now an honorary member of the LC forums. b:avoid
And I'll be on LC wishing I was in Harshlands. b:cry