it's because they've become more prone to fapping at work instead of working at work they find its more productive for themselves
Nuuu if it was an anime it wouldn't matter what kind at this point its been cancelled D:<b:surrender
ah yea the one in morai idk never realy went for any other pets after I got herc/nix all other pets just turned to fodder for pulls in HH etc. Curious as to see what the new battle pets will be like however whenever we finally get the rest of the sirens of war update though. Even have given thought in to finishing my veno…
Psy's are pretty much useless unless you can afford to +10 or higher and get a ridiculous amount of soulforce in all honesty I kill psy's easier than I do wizzies on my seek even tho I'm lacking a few of the more crucial skills still for the decent spike damage seeks can do atm I just find psy's have a little less…
I used to just set up an alt blue name on separate client and let it sit there afk and watch the area's they respawn at timing kind of seems random to me though was easier to grind up coin for buying the pets from others in all honesty.
meh I just look at it like I can get something else outta doing badge runs occasionally other than that dont realy do bh's at all especially on my seek ppl got way to picky bout gear on them anymore and want 3rd cast even just to run dumb arsed bh's so dun go unless guilds doing a run too many incompotents running around…
b:faint whats with all these necro's popping up in gd someone trying to add to their post count or was we just a bit off in predicting the date of the zombie apocolypse?
Well the one thing I would say is dying should reset cool downs of everything basically its not like you can stay in the battle till its either won or lost if you keep dying so having cooldowns reset if you died wouldn't be anything game breaking especially with pots/charm as well as skills funnest thing for me though is…
you haven't been playing very long have you? Hundreds of solutions have been offered to the numerous problems in game it doesn't matter if it doesn't effect the inflow of money nothings going to change theres bugs that have been in game since it came from open beta that still haven't been fixed.
err I know one combo would be to use northern sky till you get the proc then staggering strike to drop the def lvl 20 lvls and then sac slash qpq and pretty much whatever after that cause the northern sky debuff can stack with the sac slash's debuff when you use qpq so yea and with normal buffs in 2nd cast nv that'd make…
To the person that said and the ones that agreed with vana can go diaf I've never heard a truer statement that entire instance was a waste of coding. The instance requires no thinking whatsoever the boss encounters are just more rehashes of bosses from frost and not worth doing at all in anyway shape or form. Also 100%…
if they're gonna unnerf anything about venos first and foremost should be to make bramble guard and bramble hood work in pvp outside of tw and nw. Psys get theirs why shouldn't venos be allowed to have theres work for them as well. Psy's is even more op than veno's is as well dependent on the psychic's refines you could…
All of them are pretty awesome gifts to help get a newbie char going, was never anything that decent when I started playing only problem is the questing is so monotonous through that level range that no one unless its a brand new player to the game actually lvls through them they just do what they can to get in on some…
Mystic obviously the old classes dont even come close to comparing with any of the new classes in survivability/damage mystic's noob lvl1-20 skills they have hit just as hard as veno' s cleric's skills they can't learn till 60 cultivation and as well as it has shorter cast times and is pretty much spammable
b:shutup there definitely needs to be something done about the balancing issue as well as ppl looking for exploits like tonight same archer full r9 josd +12 force logging every time he got in a pinch and then would relog and still be buffed somehow immune pot and and kill the 5 ppl attacking him. as well as the spawn point…
kinda hard to kill of spawn campers when your on a mellee toon and somethings hitting you through a wall/tree (whatever form of of pixels you can't run through on your mellee toon) from 30 metters away. Why not make ranged chars as well as casters at least have to have a line of sight to be able to hit the target then…